
Official Building Opening
On Tuesday 1st August we celebrated a significant school event when we officially opened and blessed the new building. The celebration was presided over by Archbishop Patrick O’Regan and the plaque unveiled by the Hon Blair Boyer, MP- Minister for Education, Training and Skills. They were joined by the Chair of the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools, Mr John Neate and the Executive Director of Catholic Education, Dr Neil McGoran and a number of invited guests. It was a wonderful community celebration.
Adelaide's Next Handball Champion
Jodie & Haysey from Nova 919 visited our school as part of their hunt for Adelaide's next handball champion. Mikayla & Danica C scored an invitation to face off with Jodie & Haysey and will hopefully walk away with bragging rights and a mammoth Handball Blitz trophy and a cash prize in the weeks to come.

Welcoming Our New Parents
On Saturday evening the 18th February, the Year 1 parents hosted an Indian themed dinner welcoming new parents to the St John the Baptist Catholic School community. This was a great night of connection for our parent community. A huge thank you is extended to Neeta and Alan Saldanha for their commitment in coordinating the night, to the team of Year 1 parents who ably assisted in the lead up to and on the night and to the Dachepalli family (British India Restaurant) for supplying the beautiful food.

Welcome to the 2023 School Year
On Monday 30th January we welcomed 350 children to St John the Baptist Catholic School, of which 47 were new students. We look forward to a wonderful year of learning, connection and growing as a community.

Future Development
We are excited to announce that the next stage of the School Master Plan has commenced. Two properties and the acquisition of a third, on Anzac Highway will be developed over the coming months to provide the children with additional play space and our families with increased parking facilities. The sketch above provides a general idea of the proposed plans.

Leaders Talking About Learning
‘Leaders Talking About Learning’ is our new series of short videos designed to give you an insight into some of the teaching and learning practices at St John the Baptist Catholic School. A variety of learning topics will be showcased and explained throughout the series. Please click on the Teaching & Learning tab to find out more.

Reconnecting our Community
We had a fantastic morning with our families!

Enrolling Now for Mid Year 2022 & 2023
Limited places are available for Mid-Year Reception 2022 (Fee Free) and Reception 2023.
For further information or assistance with your application, please contact the enrolments team by email or phone (08) 8218 3300.

Canteen - From Garden to Plate
Our school canteen is an integral part of St John the Baptist Catholic School and allows for students, staff and volunteers (all essential ingredients) to work together to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh seasonal food.
The school canteen operates each day of the school week, with families able to choose and order from a variety of menu items via a school app.