Term 1, Week 10 2023
- From the Leadership Team
- Catholic Identity
- Finance News
- From the Sport Coordinator
- Congratulations - Arihia
- Congratulations Mr & Mrs Brookes
- Clothing Pool
- Lost Property
- Library News
- Parents & Friends
- Canteen News
- Camp Australia OSHC
- Volunteering at St Johns
- Community News
- Plympton Parish
- A Message From SAPOL
- Hamra Library Activities
- United Gymsports
- Hockey SA School Holiday Clinic
- Disclaimer
Dear Families
Holy Week
We gathered as a school community on Monday morning to commemorate the beginning of Holy Week, a very special and sacred time in the Church year. Throughout the week, we remember the last moments of Jesus’ life on earth. As a school, we will focus particularly on the Stations of the Cross which have been filmed by our Year 6 students and will be available for all classes across the school to explore and reflect on Christs passion.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the School Board was held on Wednesday 29th March. I thank the parents and staff who attended for their presence and contribution to the meeting. The reports presented at the meeting are now available online via our school website.
Due to strong interest from our parent community, a vote was required at the meeting for new members to our school board.
We congratulate the following elected parent members to the School Board.
Chris Flatman
Adam Keegan
Megan Kloeden
Ace Lewis
They join existing members- Dani Amato, Sally Leonard and Toni Stevens as elected School Board members for the 2023 school year.
Staffing News
As you may be aware, Lauren Copeland will be leaving St John the Baptist Catholic School at the end of this term. Lauren will be returning to Queensland for family reasons.
We want to thank Lauren for her efforts and the positive impact she has had on the students in her care. On behalf of the school community, we wish her well in her future endeavours.
Lauren’s move interstate has necessitated staffing changes in Year 6.
Melissa Gatto will continue her work in 6GR in a fulltime capacity for the remainder of the 2023 school year.
Sharee Grimshaw, a teacher familiar to the children will work in 6C in a fulltime capacity during Term 2. From the beginning of Term 3, Sylvia Roussos will return from maternity leave. Sylvia will work in 6C for three days each week and Sharee will continue for the remaining two days.
Paul O’Dea will be undergoing knee surgery and will be away from school for Term 2. In Paul's absence the following will occur:
Sophie Koster will take R-3 PE lessons
Kate Mckeough will take Years 4-6 PE lessons
Mary Murray will oversee the administration of Out of School Hours Sport and carnival organisation.
We thank Sophie, Kate and Mary for taking on the various roles and wish Paul all the best for a speedy recovery.
Tina Ball will return from her leave at the beginning of Term 2. Tina will work alongside Kate McKeough in the Year 3BM classroom. We warmly welcome Tina back to the school and thank Sophie Koster for her great work in the Year 3 cohort during Term 1.
Finally, we wish Rose Gauro the best as she takes leave from her Education Support Officer duties during Terms 2 and 3 of this year. Take care Rose.
Easter Raffle
On Tuesday afternoon we drew the raffle for the annual Easter prizes. This is always an exciting time for the children! Thank you to all families who donated prizes for the raffle and to the wonderful Parents and Friends for their work in wrapping and organising the gifts.
Bunnings BBQ
The Parents and Friends have certainly been working hard for our school community. On Sunday April 2 they coordinated the BBQ at Bunnings Edwardstown. It was fantastic to see the support of our community, from those who contributed their time on the day, to those who supported with a visit and purchase and to those who worked behind the scenes in organising elements of the day. It was testament to the fantastic supportive nature of our families and their commitment to our wonderful school. A great team effort!
Winter Uniform
A reminder that the Winter Uniform is to be worn from the beginning of Term 2.
Children in Years R-2 continue to wear the Sports Uniform. However, as the weather cools the children can wear the school sports jacket and tracksuit pants.
Students in Years 3-6 are to wear the winter formal uniform when they are not involved in activities that require the sports uniform. Please find the formal uniform requirements outlined below.
Tartan Skirt
Navy Trousers or shorts
Long Sleeved Blue Shirt
School Navy Blue Jumper or Sports Jacket
White crew socks or navy tights
Black School Shoes
Navy Shorts
Grey Trousers
Long Sleeved Blue Shirt
School Navy Blue Jumper or Sports Jacket
Grey socks/White socks
Black School Shoes
As always, our uniform is available from our uniform shop, Brandmode, located at 83 Glen Osmond Road Eastwood.
As this is the final newsletter for this term, we would like to thank everyone for their support during the term and wish everyone a safe and holy Easter break.
Best Wishes
The Leadership Team
Todd LaForgia, Jo Livingstone, Amanda Razon & Michael Cimarosti
Project Compassion
We have had a very fruitful and successful contribution to Project Compassion this year. The generosity of the Sadler family through the selling of apples has made a significant donation to Caritas.
The children have also been very charitable through their donations. The competition to see which class can raise the most chickens has been well received. We are very proud and grateful for the generosity of our community. Caritas and the communities who receive our donations will be very grateful!
Holy Week
As we enter the Triduum from the night of the Last Supper (Thursday) through to the Easter Vigil (Saturday night) we remember the heart of Jesus. That he willingly took up his cross and entered into his Passion out of love for us.
Earlier this week, the whole school gathered for a liturgy to begin Holy Week. Our gospel reading focused on Jesus praying to God for his disciples and those in the world. The Year 6 students beautifully led the prayer and set the tone for Holy Week.
Stations of the Cross
Classes have also been engaging in activities around the importance of this week to Christians. Teachers have also been invited to take their classes to prayerfully participate in the Stations of the Cross set up around the school. The 14 stations each have a prayer, picture provocation and QR code. Each code is linked to a short video acted out by the Year 6’s from last year. The stations portray Jesus’ last moments before his death at Calvary.
Wishing you a restful and blessed Triduum & Easter weekend!
Amanda Razon
School Card
Please follow the link below to apply for the 2023 School Card Scheme. Once we have received the eligibility report from School Card the remission will be applied to your account.
The School Card scheme provides low-income families attending a non-government school with financial assistance for school fees (materials and services charges).
School Card is available to:
- families with children aged four years and over who attend a school full-time
- independent full-time students studying year 10, 11 or 12
- adult re-entry students undertaking subjects to complete their SAC
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries regarding the above.
Change of Circumstance
We ask those families whose circumstances may have changed or are experiencing difficulties to please contact Todd LaForgia or myself at your earliest convenience via email: pmarks@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au
Pam Marks
Bursar/Finance Officer

A total of 155 children have participated in After School Sport for St John the Baptist Catholic School teams this term.
A big thank you to all the adults who volunteered their time to help coach / manage the 15 St John the Baptist Catholic School teams.
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival Years 3 – 6 held Wednesday 29th March
Congratulations to the students who represented St John the Baptist Catholic School at the SACPSSA Section 3 Swimming Carnival that was held at the SA Aquatic Centre on Wednesday 29th March.
All 22 students from St John the Baptist Catholic School performed brilliantly against much bigger schools.
We finished the day in 4th position with some notable accomplishments.
Congratulations to:
- Ethan B (4PR) who won the Year 4 Age Champion
- The Year 5 swimmers / group who won Year 5 Level Age Champion School
Overall Placing |
Points |
Age Champion Schools |
Individual Champions |
1 Nazareth |
236 |
Year 3 |
Greenacres |
Year 3 |
Noah H, Greenacres |
2 Stella Maris |
182 |
Year 4 |
Nazareth |
Year 4 |
Kirby F, Stella Maris / Ethan B, Plympton |
3 Lockleys |
176 |
Year 5 |
Plympton |
Year 5 |
Lachlan M, Stella Maris |
4 Plympton |
125 |
Year 6 |
Stella Maris |
Year 6 |
Charlie F, Stella Maris |
5 Christies Beach |
101 |
6 OLOG |
90 |
7 Greenacres |
72 |
8 St Mary’s College |
20 |
Crows Cup Year 5/6 Girls held Friday 31st March (Week 9)
On Friday 31st March two teams of Saint John the Baptist Catholic School Year 5/6 girls participated in the Western Area Crows Cup at West Beach Playing Field. We fielded a Year 5 team and a Year 6 team.
The carnival was held in conjunction with the West Adelaide Football Club. There were a total of 19 teams competing on the day.
The two teams made St John the Baptist Catholic School proud. The Year 6 team finished the day in 4th place, with the Year 5 team finishing 8th place.
St John the Baptist Catholic School fielded 2 teams that played Volleyball at Westbourne Park on Friday afternoons.
- STJB Thunder
- STJB Storm
Last Friday the Thunder and the Storm played off in the Grand Final, with the Thunder taking out 1st place and the Storm taking out 2nd place.
Congratulations to both teams.
St John the Baptist Catholic School fielded 7 basketball teams this term with the matches played at Wayville. Congratulations to all the teams for their enthusiasm and endeavour.
St John the Baptist Catholic School fielded two Year 3/4 netball teams and one Year 5/6 netball team.
This is the first time that we have fielded so many teams in this competition. Congratulations to all the players who participated.
Tee Ball
St John the Baptist Catholic School fielded two Tee Ball teams this term with the matches played at the Adelaide “Angels” Baseball Club.
The teams were the:
- Seagulls
- Pelicans
A good time was had by all the children involved.
St John the Baptist Catholic School fielded a Adelaide Master Blaster Year 3 team in the Adelaide Primary School Competition that was played at Glandore Oval on Friday afternoons. Well played.
Term 2 Sport Carnivals
SAPSASA Cross Country Airport Trials - Tuesday 9th May (Week 2)
SACPSSA Lacrosse Carnival - Tuesday 30th May (Week 5)
SACPSSA Netball Carnival - Tuesday 4th July (Week 10)
Paul O'Dea
PE & Co-curricular Sport Co-ordinator
Arihia has been selected to represent SA in the National Indigenous Basketball Team on the Gold Coast in two weeks. We wish Arihia all the best as she travels with her team and represents her state.
Congratulations to the new Mr & Mrs Brookes.
Our Reception DC teacher Ms Tara Denton recently married. We wish them both all the best!
Has your child borrowed from our emergency clothing pool?
If they have could you please launder and return the clothing as soon as possible as we have run out of many of the frequently used sizes.

Our lost property boxes are overflowing!
We will have a table outside the school hall next Tuesday and Wednesday for people to claim their missing items.
All left over items will be donated.
Please ensure all clothing has your child's name on it to allow it to be returned to its owner.

Premier's Reading Challenge
With the upcoming Easter break followed closely by the school holidays please borrow books from the library to read at home.
It is a great opportunity to continue reading for the Premier's Reading Challenge which is in its 20th Year. Look for the red, yellow and green stickers on the covers to choose the right level of book for you.
Happy reading.
Mrs Gauro & Mrs French
Bunning BBQ
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped and all the families who purchased a sausage at the Edwardstown Bunnings BBQ on Sunday 2nd April. We raised $2267! What a great effort!
Easter Raffle
Thank you to all families who purchased a ticket and donated prizes in our Easter Raffle. We also congratulate our winners.
Our major prize winners were:
- 1st - Kyathi C (6GR)
- 2nd - Hiya G (5HB)
- 3rd - Scarlett W (5F), Austin (3WD) & Elliot W (3J)

All orders for both recess and lunch are to be ordered via our Qkr! app.
Canteen orders close each canteen day (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) at 9.00am.
Healthy Canteen (Tuesday & Thursday) orders close on Mondays at 12pm.
Canteen Roster
Term 1
Friday 7th Apr - Good Friday Public Holiday
Monday 10th Apr - Easter Monday Public Holiday
Tuesday 11th Apr - Jo
Wednesday 12th Apr - Toni Stevens, Julian Thompson & Julie
Thursday 13th Apr - Jo
Friday 14th Apr - Zoe Seiffert & Jo
Thank you to all of you who volunteered your time this term, it is very much appreciated.
Julie Henschke & Jo Fitzgerald

St John the Baptist School provides a safe environment for all while valuing the partnership between school and home.
As a Catholic community, we welcome and value volunteers. To be able to volunteer, and/or attend at other times throughout the school year, we ask that you hold a current Catholic Police Check (parents/caregivers attending excursions, reading in class, helping in class, attending community events), a current Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect in Education and Care for Volunteers certificate, have completed the volunteers application package and your COVID vaccination certificate.
A Catholic Police Check for volunteers is free for our current parents and caregivers. Application Forms are available in our school office.
This process ensures we maintain a child safe environment. To avoid disappointment, we encourage you to apply for a Catholic Police Check through the school office as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school office on 8218 3300 or email Francis Schulz on fschulz@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au .

Hamra Library currently offer the following drop-in activities:
- A monthly writers' group (4:30-5:30pm every second Wednesday of the month)
- A monthly book club with no set text, just a place to come and talk about books! (4:30-5:30pm last Wednesday of every month)
- Homework club for all-ages study assistance every Monday during term, 4pm-6pm.
- 24/7 access to Studiosity for additional support if they have a West Torrens library card!
- The Australian Refugee Association offers homework support to students from refugee backgrounds who have been in Australia for 5 years or less every Thursday of term - 4pm-6pm
- Lego Club (every 2nd Monday during term time, 3:30-5pm)
- "Sign Squad" for 12-25 year olds to learn Auslan from a Deaf tutor (Friday 5-6pm in weeks 1, 4, and 8 of each term)
None of these activities require bookings but further information is available via the Hamra Library website on the Activities and Events webpage:

The links and information that are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by St John the Baptist Catholic School of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organisation or individual. St John the Baptist Catholic School bears no responsibility for the accuracy legality or contact of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Important Dates
Good Friday Public Holiday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday Public Holiday
Last Day of Term - 3pm Finish
First Day of Term 2
Little JBs starts
SAPSASA Cross Country
Sacrament of Reconciliation 7pm
Mother's Day Stall
Mother's Day Liturgy
Year 6 Sports Leaders Day
Mother's Day
School Board Meeting 6.30pm
Principal's Tour 9.30am

Congratulations to those who celebrate their birthday in the next two weeks and during the holidays.
April Birthdays
7th Apr - Ruby K (4PR) & Riley T (4A)
8th Apr - Charlie T (3BM)
9th Apr - Harry H (4A)
10th Apr - Nahla D (4A) & Zach N (REC DC)
13th Apr - Ayaan M (1M)
14th Apr - Gisele G (6GR) & Angela J (3WD)
19th Apr - William A (6C) & Prajeedh B (4A)
20th Apr - Sienna H (1M)
21st Apr - William K (3J)
23rd Apr - George W (6GR) & Angus P (REC B)
24th Apr - Caela L (6C)
25th Apr - Celeste F (1M)
26th Apr - Kyathi C (6GR), Archie H (5HB) & Amalie W (5HB)
27th Apr - Addison S (4A), Felix T (3J) & Violet E (REC B)
28th Apr - Alfie H (4A), Abigail W (3BM) & Logan N (1M)
29th Apr - Indi S (4PR)
30th Apr - Reid H (5HB) & Alfie H (REC B)
May Birthdays
2nd May - Michael S (6C)
3rd May - Ethan B (4PR)
7th May - Illyana N (REC B) & Billie O (REC B)
10th May - Emily M (5HB)
School Uniform

Our uniform is available for purchase from Brandmode, 83 Glen Osmond Road, Eastwood. Ph - (08) 8357 0022
To purchase uniform online please click here.
To book an appointment please click here.
For further information on our Uniform Guidelines, please click here.
Instrumental Tutors
We currently offer the following instrumental tutoring:
(currently a waitlist)
Tutor - Christine Davies
Ph: 0403 546 091
Email - christineonpiano@gmail.com
Tutor - Dido Durmanovic
Ph: 0407 719 836
Email: didodurmanovic@hotmail.com
Tutor - Shaun Doddy
Ph: 0417 806 993
Email: shaundoddy@rocketmail.com

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, learn and work.
We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual connection and relationship of Aboriginal peoples to this country and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Artwork - Unknown artist
Camp Australia

To make a Your OSHC booking, you need to register with Camp Australia first.
Registration is free and can be done online, or with our smartphone app.
Southern Cross Newsletter

Click here to read the latest news from the Southern Cross News.