Term 1, Week 4 2022
Extracurricular events and new school initiatives
As restrictions are eased and SA Health provide updated directives regarding school activities many new and previously offered activities will begin to take shape. We are excited to provide a list of the initiatives that will be on offer to students at St John the Baptist Catholic School throughout this year. Information about each of these will be sent as activities begin.
Arch D Radio
In 2021 we applied to be a part of the Arch D Radio project. This interactive and exciting initiative will be provided to students in Year 6. Students will be involved in every aspect of designing, creating, interviewing and producing their own podcasts. Arch D will work with teachers and students to understand all that is involved in the radio production process. The student created podcasts will be aired on a variety of media channels including Spotify and iHeart Radio.
Play group will continue in the SJB Hall each Wednesday at 9.00am. All families with children aged 0-5 are welcomed to attend.
Playgroup Volunteers Year 5
Leadership development will begin for students in Year 5, as they will be supporting in the set up, play experiences and pack up of playgroup each week. Small teams of students will attend playgroup and be encouraged to lead the play experiences for the younger children.
Childcare Kindy Visits Year 6
As a follow up to the Playgroup leadership, Year 6 students will be rostered in small groups to visit our local Childcare and Preschools. This was a valuable experience last year for students, who joined in many of the activities with the children at the centres and promote the school in a positive manner.
Art Club
This year commencing late in Term 1, we will be trialling an Art Club for Year 2 students. This will be offered after school on a Monday afternoon. Information about this initiative will be provided to our Year 2 families in the coming weeks.
Run Club
Run Club in 2022 will commence on Fridays from the 18th March. For those who wish to join Run Club please meet at Plympton Oval from 8.00am. All fitness levels and families welcome.
Homework Club
Year 5 & 6 students are invited to join Homework Club each Tuesday afternoon until 4.00pm. Students are able to receive guidance to complete weekly homework tasks, ongoing projects and/or assignments and seek assistance to help understand subject content. This is an extra-curricular opportunity for students to work in a quiet, supervised environment, with guidance and assistance from a teacher.
School Camps
Years 3 – 6 students will have an opportunity to attend a variety of camp experiences during their time at St John the Baptist Catholic School. These experiences have been designed to compliment curriculum areas, support student’s development and independence, while providing a range of outdoor learning opportunities for our students. Information, permissions and notes appropriate to each will be sent home closer to each camp date.
Reception to Year 2 students will have a range of school based and evening events throughout the year and these will also be communicated as they are able to proceed.
Year |
Venue |
Focus |
Time |
Term |
Week |
3 |
Aldinga |
Active Ed - Indigenous Education |
1 night |
4 |
2 |
4 |
Finnis |
Active Ed - Water Ecology Unit |
2 nights |
3 |
8 |
5 |
Piccadilly |
Scouts - Leadership |
2 nights |
4 |
3 |
6 |
Hindmarsh Island |
Wilderness Escape - Outdoor Ed |
3 nights |
1 |
10 |
The Green Play
It has been wonderful to see the children at play as they begin to use the new spaces throughout the school. ‘The Green’ area near the Reception classrooms is fast becoming a well loved space for quiet play, craft and drawing. Play boxes have created opportunities for imaginary play with cooking, animal worlds, dinosaur worlds and car play. These play boxes are the first of a series of play options for the children. New play boxes will be added over the coming terms. The craft book box is also provides for students that may wish to draw, colour, write and make during lunchtime.

Lunch Play
As the building works have now ceased and the school has more space than it has had in the previous couple of years, there is an opportunity in part for the children to be able to come together R-6, at least once in the school day. This has many benefits around relationship building amongst the students across the school, as well as the opportunity for siblings to interact and see each other within a school day. Therefore, the school has implemented a new timetable from the beginning of this year, which has been outlined in the Parent Handbook. In support of the opportunity to access spaces fairly, the oval and courts are rotated daily over an Odd and Even play week. This has been shared with students this week. The library is open each day at lunchtime for students to read quietly and play games. Handball has made a return in popularity with many students playing at recess and lunch also.
Camp Australia
It is with mixed emotions that we farewell Diane our OSHC Director. Over the past two years Diane has demonstrated significant leadership in developing and maintaining a well used and positive environment for students before and after school. Once a new Director has been appointed by Camp Australia, we will share this information with the wider school community. Jordan will continue to remain a constant staff member for the students. We wish Diane all the best as she begins her new venture.
Todd LaForgia, Jo Livingstone, Michael Cimarosti & Amanda Razon
Leadership Team
Please find outlined below information regarding several upcoming events in the weeks ahead.
Sacraments 2022
As mentioned in the previous newsletter, please make note that those children and families who would like to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion this year are encouraged to bring their enrolment forms into the Parish Office as soon as possible.
Shrove Tuesday - 1st March
As you may know, Shrove Tuesday is a day for people to prepare for the Lenten season, which begins on Ash Wednesday. To celebrate, each class will be able to enjoy pancakes topped with maple syrup which will kindly be organised by the P and F Committee. Pancakes will be cooked and then delivered to individual classrooms for the teachers to serve to the children.
Ash Wednesday - 2nd March
Marking the beginning of the Lenten season, we usually observe Ash Wednesday with a liturgy or Mass. This is when an ash cross is placed on our forehead as a symbol to represent that we are ready to draw closer to Jesus through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. As this is a special day for the Christian community, each class will participate in a class liturgy that will be facilitated by their class teacher.
Commissioning Mass
Our community will be celebrating the commissioning of our staff on Sunday 20th March at the 10am Mass within the St. John the Baptist Church. This Mass serves as a reminder that the staff of our school take on the challenge in making a positive difference to our community and in our world.
Presentation Mass
The children who will be preparing for and celebrating their Sacraments this year will be presented to the community at the Presentation Masses on Saturday 26th at 6pm and Sunday 27th March 10am. This is a significant event because it celebrates and acknowledges that the children will be fully received into the Christian community and will become more immersed in the life and mission of the Church.
Have you ever wondered…?
There are so many things to explore in the Catholic faith, check out Faith Fact to explore this week’s topic. It could be something you’ve pondered and would like to know more about!
Amanda Razon
Statement of Accounts
Please note billing for the 2022 School Year is occuring in Week 4 and statements will be posted on Friday 25th February.
Whether payment is by Direct Debit, Scheduled Transfer etc, could you please ensure that instalments made will result in your account being at a zero balance by the end of Term 3 2022.
If your address or any other details have changed, please notify the front office as soon as possible.
Fee Remission
Families who have previously received fee remission will be required to complete a new fee remission form with the following documentation attached:
- Your most recent tax return(s) – private and/or business as applicable
- Your most recent pay advice(s) and /or other form of income if applicable
- Your Centrelink statement receiving Centrelink or other special benefits
- School Card approval (if applicable)
Please contact Pam Marks, Finance Officer, for the above form or arrange a time to meet.
School Card
Please follow the link to apply for the 2022 School Card Scheme.
The School Card Scheme provides low income families attending a non-government school with financial assistance for school fees (materials and services charges).
We ask those families whose circumstances may have changed or are experiencing difficulties to please contact Todd LaForgia or myself at your earliest convenience via email: pmarks@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au
Pam Marks
Finance Officer

School Sport
All out of hours school sport is finally starting in Week 5 (next week).
There has been an outstanding response from the children to participate in their preferred sport/s.
Please find below the teams for the Term 1 season. We have:
- 8 x basketball teams playing at Wayville
- 2 x Master Blaster (Cricket) team playing at Glandore Oval
- 2 x Tee ball (Baseball) playing at Adelaide “Angels” Baseball Club
- 1 x Netball team playing (mostly) at Cabra College
- 1 x Volleyball team playing at Westbourne Park Community Centre
Information regarding sports teams will also be sent out to families via SEQTA email.
Teams requiring a coach –
- Basketball
- Year 3/4 Boys STJB 36ers
- Year 2/3 Mixed STJB Jazz
- Tee Ball Pelicans
- Cricket Year 3 Master Blaster Cricket
Unfortunately, if we cannot find coaches / managers for these teams I will have to withdraw them from their competitions! It is very important that parents who do volunteer have completed the necessary paperwork. The volunteer packs are available from the school front office.
Please note – to be able to coach / manage a school team this ALL must be completed. Otherwise, the children will NOT be able to compete. If you have any questions, please talk to Bernadette O’Reilley at the Front Office or email - info@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au
Physical Education
PE lessons have been focussed on the activities that the children will be competing in at the St John the Baptist Catholic School Sports Day.
St John the Baptist Catholic School Sports Day will be held at Sacred Heart Senior School on Friday 11th March (Week 6).
The day will follow a similar format to previous sports days.
Rec – 2 Events |
Year 3 - 6 Events |
Novelty events 50m Reception & Year 1 75m Year 2 Relay Shot put Hurdles Vortex |
100m 200m 400m Hurdles Shot put High jump Discus Vortex |
Sport Carnivals
The following carnivals / trials will occur this term –
SACPSSA Swimming trials Yr. 3 - 6 Friday 4th March (Week 5)
SACPSSA Cricket Carnival Yr. 5 & 6 Wednesday 9th March (Week 6)
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival Yr. 3 – 6 Wednesday 23rd March (Week 8)
SAPSASA Lacrosse Carnival Yr. 4 - 6 Friday 25th March (Week 8) Change of date
Kind regards,
Paul O'Dea
PE & Co-curricular Sport Co-ordinator

Please be reminded to update your Qkr! app in order to update your child's class.
Currently due to COVID restrictions no cash will be taken over the counter at the canteen for iceblocks. Iceblocks can still be ordered via our Qkr! app.
Canteen orders close each canteen day (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) at 9.00am.
Healthy Canteen (Tuesday & Thursday) orders close on Mondays at 12pm.
Canteen Roster
Friday 25th February - Megan Kloeden & Julie
Monday 28th February - Julie
Wednesday 2nd March - Julie
Friday 4th March - Joanna Rowett & Julie
Julie Henschke & Jo Fitzgerald

NAME: Phillis Johnston
ROLE AT ST JOHNS & YEARS OF SERVICE: This is my first year at St John’s and I am teaching Year 2.
FAVOURITE COLOUR: Green and Purple
SPORTING TEAM YOU SUPPORT: I don't watch a lot of sport except for Formula 1 sometimes
HOBBIES & INTERESTS: reading, cooking, listening to music and spending time with family
PRIMARY SCHOOL I WENT TO: Parafield Gardens Primary School
HIGH SCHOOL I WENT TO: St Mary's College
PETS: A very spoilt King Charles Cavalier named Trixie who my family and I love very much!
3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE ME: Friendly, caring, funny
BEST ADVICE I’VE BEEN GIVEN: Be the best person you can be
FAVOURITE HOLIDAY SPOT: I like to go to the beach or the river. Bali is also a favourite holiday spot.
FAVOURITE SEASON: Autumn– I love the warm days and cool nights!
NAME: Sienna Huish
SPORTING TEAM YOU SUPPORT: I don't have a favourite team
HOBBIES & INTERESTS: Painting, drawing, music & the beach
PRIMARY SCHOOL I WENT TO: St Leonards Primary School
HIGH SCHOOL I WENT TO: Brighton Secondary School
PETS: My dog Fitsy!
3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE ME: Artistic, Compassionate & Fun
BEST ADVICE I’VE BEEN GIVEN: A good day comes from a good mindset!
FAVOURITE HOLIDAY SPOT: No particular place!

We are looking for students to participate in the Catholic Schools Music Festival Choir (CSMF). If your child is in Years 5 or 6 and would like to participate please contact Antonietta Caruana on acaruana@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au for further information.
Antonietta Caruana
CSMF Choir Trainer

We were so excited to hold our first playgroup session last week. It was fantastic to see so many of our school and local community families join us for play, story, songs, and craft.
Next week we are looking forward to having our Year 5 students join us in playgroup. Each week we will have 3 students rostered on to support us in setting up our play space, assist with craft and engage with children and their families. This is a great opportunity for our school and local communities to come together with the inclusion of students.
If you are interested in joining in, we meet on Wednesdays during the school term from 9am – 10.30am.
If you would like to stay up to date with what we are up to at playgroup you can look up us on Facebook - Play to grow at St Johns Playgroup.
We look forward to seeing you at Playgroup!
Karina Overall
Playgroup Coordinator

St John the Baptist School provides a safe environment for all while valuing the partnership between school and home.
As a Catholic community, we welcome and value volunteers. To be able to volunteer, and/or attend at other times throughout the school year, we ask that you hold a current Catholic Police Check (parents/caregivers attending excursions, reading in class, helping in class, attending community events), a current Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect in Education and Care for Volunteers certificate, have completed the volunteers application package and your COVID vaccination certificate.
A Catholic Police Check for volunteers is free for our current parents and caregivers. Application Forms are available in our school office.
This process ensures we maintain a child safe environment. To avoid disappointment, we encourage you to apply for a Catholic Police Check through the school office as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school office on 8218 3300.
If your child will be playing an after school sport and then going to OSHC kindly let us know so we know where your child is and when to expect them back into OSHC.
It has been beautiful weather lately and with that in mind we would like to remind all families to ensure the children have hats to wear especially in the afternoons to keep them safe.
We have moved our play space from the nature playground to the courts and handball squares this is partly to make it a quicker process to open the door when parents ring the bell at pick up time, and to provide more running around space for the children.
If your child will be absent from a session please let me know either by telling me or by emailing this way I'm not ringing you when yur busy to find out where your child is.
Lastly, Jordan and myself are looking forward to another fun filled Sports Day, which is a little early this year and we hope to see as many parents, grandparents, aunties uncles etc there as possible.
As always, any questions or suggestions come in and see us.
Diane and Jordan
040 5436 293 ( During OSHC times)

The links and information that are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by St John the Baptist Catholic School of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organisation or individual. St John the Baptist Catholic School bears no responsibility for the accuracy legality or contact of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Important Dates
Sports Day Trials at Plympton Oval
Shrove Tuesday
Ash Wednesday
Swimming Trials at Immanuel Yrs 3-6
1st Sunday Lent
SACPSSA Cricket Carnival Yrs 3-6
Sports Day
2nd Sunday Lent
Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
3rd Sunday Lent
Principal's Tour 11.15am
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival Yrs 3-6
Principal's Tour 9.30am
Presentation Mass
4th Sunday Lent
Presentation Mass
Learning Conversations
SACPSSA Lacrosse Carnival
Learning Conversations
5th Sunday Lent
Last Day of Term - 12pm Finish
Good Friday

Congratulations to those who celebrate their birthday in the next two weeks.
February Birthdays
25th Feb - Eva A (3B)
28th Feb - Adam H (6R), Josephine B (3WD) & Fatehdeep S (2T)
March Birthdays
1st Mar - Blessing K (4A)
4th Mar - Dane McK (4A)
5th Mar - Archer T (5F)
7th Mar - Winnie V (1M)
9th Mar - Isabelle L (6R), Vilolet WS (6R) & Lucas C (4P)
School Uniform

Our uniform is available for purchase from Brandmode, 83 Glen Osmond Road, Eastwood. Ph - (08) 8357 0022
To purchase uniform online please click here.
To book an appointment please click here.
For further information on our Uniform Guidelines, please click here.
Southern Cross Newsletter

Click here to read the latest news from the Southern Cross News.

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, learn and work.
We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual connection and relationship of Aboriginal peoples to this country and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Artwork - Unknown artist