Term 2, Week 2 2022
- From the Leadership Team
- Catholic Identity
- With Sympathy
- It's a Boy!
- From the Counsellor
- Finance News
- From the Sport Coordinator
- SAPSASA Airport District Cross Country - 7th May
- Congratulations!
- Canteen News
- Play 2 Grow Playgroup
- Volunteering at St Johns
- Camp Australia OSHC
- Community News
- Gifted Awareness Week
- Kindergym
- Disclaimer
Welcome to Term 2. We trust that you were able to enjoy a relaxing term break and are re-energised for the term ahead. Mrs Aoukar’s Year 4 class has welcomed a new student - Angelina. We welcome Angelina and her family to the St John the Baptist Catholic School community. We know the family will be warmly welcomed.
On Friday 6th May the first session of our Little JB’s Transition program was held. The children throughout the course of this term will become familiar with life at the school, prior to commencing as Reception students in July. We warmly welcomed the following children and hope their experience at St John the Baptist is both positive and rewarding.
- Violet E
- Shanaya G
- Halle G
- Archer G
- James H
- Orlando M
- Illyana N
- Billie O
- Austin V
Catholic Education Week
This week we celebrate Catholic Education Week, a time where we promote and celebrate what it means to be part of a Catholic school community. This year the focus is on thanking the people that make our schools special.
Throughout the course of this week we welcomed the Hon Jayne Stinson MP to the school, held a Principal’s Tour and celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation with students and their families. Not to mention NAPLAN and the everyday engagement in learning activities in all classes from Reception to Year 6. We say a special ‘thank you’ to all those staff and volunteers in the school and parish who ably bring life to the school community.
School Board
We would like to introduce you to our 2022 School Board members.
- Fr Denis SSemuju
- Kylie Adams
- Dani Amato
- Sally Leonard
- Toni Stevens
- Adam Keegan
- Russell Jurie
- Chris Flatman
- Sava Politis
- Jo Livingstone
- Todd LaForgia
We look forward to the contribution of each board member to our school community in this significant position of leadership. The first School Board Meeting of Term 2 will be held on Wednesday evening, 25th May.
Thank you - Mother's Day
We do hope our mums at St John the Baptist were spoilt on Sunday and enjoyed the special gifts their children purchased from the Mother’s Day stall. We extend a huge thanks to the Parents and Friends who organised a very successful Mother’s Day Stall. Thank you to those parents who assisted in the purchasing, wrapping and selling of the gifts on Friday. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Our Year 3 and Year 5 students have commenced their NAPLAN testing this week. The students participate in tests in Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation) and Numeracy. These national tests have been scheduled in the morning teaching block on each of the specified days and are supervised by classroom teachers.
The NAPLAN tests are one aspect of the school's broader assessment and reporting process. They are to be used in conjunction with the ongoing assessments made by your child’s classroom teacher(s) throughout the year.
The best preparation for NAPLAN testing parents can provide is ensuring your child has a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast on each morning of the testing period.
Learning Conversations
Learning conversations will be held next week on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday18th May. All conversations will be held in your child's classroom. Each conversation will be of 10-12 minutes duration with a 2-3 minute changeover time. Please remember under current COVID protocols in schools all adults must wear a mask when on school grounds. Communication has been sent home via email regarding booking into a conversation with your child’s classroom teacher(s). The system is currently open for parents to make bookings.
Learning Conversations provide a wonderful opportunity to chat with your child's classroom teacher(s) about their learning, wellbeing and school experience to date.
New Parent Dinner
The dinner to welcome new parents to the school was scheduled to be held on Saturday evening 28th May. Due to continuing COVID restrictions within schools, the dinner is unable to take place on this date. The event has been postponed until Term 3. A new date will be communicated to our new families in the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Federal Election 2022
Education is an important topic at every election. As we head towards the Federal Election on May 21, Catholics are being asked to consider how their vote will benefit the whole community. It is essential that everybody who cares about Catholic schools understands the key issues. A number of resources are available at www.cesa.catholic.edu.au/federal-election.
We look forward to sharing another great term with you.
Best Wishes
The Leadership Team - Todd LaForgia, Jo Livingstone, Amanda Razon & Michael Cimarosti
Mass/ Liturgies
We will be celebrating Masses and liturgies for Years 2-6 this term. Due to the continued COVID settings in schools, we are keeping the model from last term where we will hold individual class Masses and liturgies during weeks 2-4.
We have several children and families who have been working in small groups to prepare for their Sacraments this year. Last term the students who have been preparing for their Reconciliation will participate in this Sacrament: Week 2, Thursday 12th May at 7pm.
There will be a parent information session for the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion on Wednesday 25th May.
Catholic Education Week
We celebrate Catholic Education Week May 9-15 with the school theme ‘Raising Hearts and Minds with God to ensure the dignity of all’. This year the focus is on thanking all those who teach and support students in schools in consideration of the challenges to learning that we have faced this year.
For more information visit: https://www.cesa.catholic.edu.au/news/catholic-education-week
Sustainability and Laudato Si Week
This year the sustainability group have decided to focus on recycling soft plastics. At present the Year 6 leaders have introduced the collection of soft plastics. Each class is currently placing their soft plastics into a larger plastic bag which the leaders collect when full and send to the Coles soft plastics depot. In line with the upcoming Laudato Si week (May 22-29) and our school theme ‘A Call to Care’ the Sustainability leaders are planning towards increasing awareness for the care of our earth in our school community.
To learn more about Laudato Si week visit: https://laudatosiweek.org/what-is-laudato-si-week/
Faith Facts
Have you ever wondered… about the Sacrament of Reconciliation? Click on the following link to find out more! Have you ever wondered...(Reconciliation).pdf
Plympton Parish - Alpha: Come and See?
You are warmly invited to explore the meaning of the life and spirituality through Alpha.
We invite you to a free meal followed by a video and a small group discussion.
No cost, no obligation and no follow up.
Each course lasts 8 weeks. Attend any or all of the sessions.
Starting: Monday 9th May 2022
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Place: John the Baptist Centre, Mornington Ave, Plympton Parish
Enquiries: Julie 0400 718 313
Amanda Razon

Our prayers are with those who have recently lost loved ones.
May God keep them close.
To the Ritan family (Leo 2J & Harvey Rec D) for their Grandfather (Deda) Branko.
"Eternal Rest grant unto him O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace."

We would like to congratulate the Shahi Family (Shourya 1M) on the birth of their baby boy, Smrat!
"A baby is a blessing, a gift from Heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love:
Self Esteem & Frustration
A great article from the Child Mind Institute on how parents can support students struggling at school in the areas of self-esteem and frustration tolerance. Please find the article here.
Free Parenting Conference
A very popular Positive Parenting Conference is back with big names like Dr. Daniel Siegel, Julie King, Dr. Carla Naumburg, and others!
The world's leading parenting experts are coming together to share practical, tailored-for-busy-parents tips for raising happy, well-adjusted kids.
The best part?
This conference is online and it's FREE to attend.
It starts on May 17th but you can reserve your FREE spot right now.
Sarah Byrne
Centacare School Counsellor
Statement of Accounts
Please note a Statement of Accounts will be posted out shortly. Could you please ensure that your current method of payment is sufficient so that your account in will be in a zero balance by the final payment date of the 25th November 2022.
Online payments
When making payments online could you please ensure you list your reference number from your Statement of Accounts eg 9063…….. followed by your child’s surname.
Fee Remission
Families who have previously received fee remission will be required to complete a new fee remission form with the following documentation attached:
- Your most recent tax return(s) – private and/or business as applicable
- Your most recent pay advice(s) and /or other form of income if applicable
- Your Centrelink statement receiving Centrelink or other special benefits
- School Card approval (if applicable)
Please contact Pam Marks, Finance Officer, for the above form or arrange a time to meet.
School Card
Please follow the link to apply for the 2022 School Card Scheme.
The School Card Scheme provides low income families attending a non-government school with financial assistance for school fees (materials and services charges).
Once School Card has been approved the discount will applied to your account, previously this has been at the end of Term 1.
Term 1 Sport Carnivals
If you participated in the following Sport Carnivals, you wil need to pay via the Qkr! App as soon as possible.
SACPPSA Swimming Carnival $15.00
SAPSASA lacrosse Carnival $15.00
SACPPSA Yr 5/6 Cricket Carnival $13.00
We ask those families whose circumstances may have changed or are experiencing difficulties to please contact Todd LaForgia or myself at your earliest convenience via email: pmarks@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au
Pam Marks
Bursar/Finance Officer

School Sport
School Basketball and Netball have now commenced for Term 2. Soccer will begin on Saturday, May 28th.
Terms 2 & 3 Sport
The following teams will be representing the school for Terms 2 & 3 sport.
- Year 3/4 BOYS STJB 36ers
- Year 3/4 GIRLS STJB Bulls
- Year 5/6 GIRLS STJB Clippers
- Year 2/3 OPEN STJB Jazz
- Year 2/3 OPEN STJB Magic
- Year 2/3 OPEN STJB Lakers
- Year 2 STJB Allstars
- Under 7 Phoenix
- Under 8 Glory
- Under 8 Jets
- Under 9 United
- Under 10 Roar
- Senior - Wanderers
- Senior - Victory
Tee Ball
A request has been made from the Adelaide Angels Baseball Club to field a team in their Tee Ball competition for Term 2. A minimum of 8 players is required.
- Age group Reception to Year 3
- Start Week 3, 21st May
- 8:45-9:45am on the main diamond - Weigall Oval in Plympton
- 8 children in Team
- Play Tee Ball rules
- Cost free
- School PE uniform
If you would like your child to play Tee Ball please email me ASAP at -
SAPSASA Airport Boys Football Team
Congratulations to Archie A (6B) on his selection in the SAPSASA Airport District Boys Football team. The Airport team will compete in the Football State SAPSASA Carnival, 25th May – 27th May. There will be 40 SAPSASA districts teams competing from across South Australia
SAPSASA Airport District Cross Country Championships
The following students competed in the SAPSASA Airport District Cross Country Championships on Friday, 7th May.
Ashley W (4P) | Cameron H (5F) | Gisele G (5C) | Danica C (4P) |
Rowan A (5C) | William d'A (6B) | Mikayla C (4A) | Inara N (5C) |
Zac R (6R) | Mitchell McC (5F) | Bree K (5C) | Amelia P (6R) |
The students were competing for a place in the Airport team to compete at the State Championships on 9th June at Oakbank Racecourse.
Sport Carnivals
There are 2 more carnivals planned for Term 2 2022.
- SACPSSA Lacrosse All Year 4 - 6 Week 7
- SACPSSA Netball All Year 4 - 6 Week 10
Kind regards,
Paul O'Dea
PE & Co-curricular Sport Co-ordinator

Congratulations to Gisele from Year 5C on her recent selection to represent South Australia at the Australian Gymnastics Championships. Gisele is currently competing on the Gold Coast. Good luck Gisele!

Currently due to COVID restrictions no cash will be taken over the counter at the canteen for iceblocks. Iceblocks can still be ordered via our Qkr! app.
Canteen orders close each canteen day (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) at 9.00am.
Healthy Canteen (Tuesday & Thursday) orders close on Mondays at 12pm.
Canteen Roster
Friday,13th May - Dove Lin & Julie
Monday, 16th May - Julie
Wednesday, 18th May - Julie
Firday, 20th May - Lucianna Introna & Julie
Monday, 23rd May - Davina Cimarosti & Julie
Wednesday, 25th May - Julie
Friday, 27th May - Megan Kloeden & Julie
Julie Henschke & Jo Fitzgerald

Playgroup started off Term 2 with a lovely morning tea for Mother’s Day and we welcomed three new families to our Playgroup Community.
Parents and children are enjoying having the Year 5 students in our sessions and the students already have their hands up asking when they can come back again.
With the cooler weather now upon us Playgroup is a wonderful warm dry space to play and create, we would love to see you there.
If you are interested in joining in the fun, we operate on Wednesdays during the school term from 9am – 10.30am.
If you would like to stay up to date with what we are up to at playgroup you can look up us on Facebook - Play to Grow at St Johns Playgroup.
Please be reminded that all parents will be required to wear a mask.
Karina Overall
Playgroup Coordinator

St John the Baptist School provides a safe environment for all while valuing the partnership between school and home.
As a Catholic community, we welcome and value volunteers. To be able to volunteer, and/or attend at other times throughout the school year, we ask that you hold a current Catholic Police Check (parents/caregivers attending excursions, reading in class, helping in class, attending community events), a current Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect in Education and Care for Volunteers certificate, have completed the volunteers application package and your COVID vaccination certificate.
A Catholic Police Check for volunteers is free for our current parents and caregivers. Application Forms are available in our school office.
This process ensures we maintain a child safe environment. To avoid disappointment, we encourage you to apply for a Catholic Police Check through the school office as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school office on 8218 3300.

The links and information that are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by St John the Baptist Catholic School of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organisation or individual. St John the Baptist Catholic School bears no responsibility for the accuracy legality or contact of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Important Dates
Principal's Tour 9.30am
Sacrament of Reconciliation 7pm
National Volunteers Week - 16th - 20th May
Learning Conversations
Learning Conversations
School Board Meeting
Confirmation & First Communion Parent Session 7-8pm
National Sorry Day
The Ascension
Reconciliation Week 30th May - 3rd June
Trinity Sunday
Queens Birthday Public Holiday
Corpus Christi
Blood & Body of Christ
Principal's Tour 9.30am
2022 Term 3 New Parent Information Session
Sacrament Poster Making Session
School Board Meeting
Feast of St John the Baptist
Term 2 Concludes

Congratulations to those who celebrate their birthday in the next two weeks.
May Birthdays
12th May - Sophia R-C (5C) & Evelyn B (REC B)
14th May - Ava K (5F) & Amyra G (REC B)
15th May - Xavier F (2J)
18th May - Maddie P (1M)
20th May - Franki-Su G (1M)
School Uniform

Our uniform is available for purchase from Brandmode, 83 Glen Osmond Road, Eastwood. Ph - (08) 8357 0022
To purchase uniform online please click here.
To book an appointment please click here.
For further information on our Uniform Guidelines, please click here.
Southern Cross Newsletter

Click here to read the latest news from the Southern Cross News.

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, learn and work.
We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual connection and relationship of Aboriginal peoples to this country and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Artwork - Unknown artist
Camp Australia
