Term 2, Week 4 2023
- From the Leadership Team
- Catholic Identity
- Finance News
- Pupil Free Day
- From the Sport Coordinator
- Save the Date
- Parents & Friends
- Canteen News
- Camp Australia OSHC
- Volunteering at St Johns
- Community News
- Plympton Parish
- Catholic School Parents Evening with Gill Hicks
- Hamra Library Activities
- Building Healthy Relationships Workshop
- Ready Set Dance
- International Sports Camps
- Goshin Judan Kan
- Disclaimer
Dear Families
Building a Numerate Citizen
Both the Australian Curriculum and Catholic Education South Australia’s Living Learning Leading framework identify the importance of children being numerate. This understanding relates to their ability to apply their mathematical understanding and skills to real life situations. Numeracy is the application; Mathematics is the subject and skills and content taught. Families play an important part in supporting their child’s ability to become a numerate citizen. The following are some important considerations about how this can be done at home:
- Having a positive attitude towards numeracy. Children are quick to pick up on negativity - ‘I was never good at Maths’ or ‘Maths is hard, and I don’t get it’. Framing discussions positively assists children to have the growth mindset when they go to apply their understandings of mathematical skills and concepts.
- Being honest about limitations in your understanding and talk aloud when problem solving ‘I don’t know this answer either, what steps could we take to solve this?’
- Encourage your child to try and talk about their learning (reason why they are doing things or justify choices they make).
- Model to them opportunities to use numeracy (interpreting data, charts, paying bills etc)
- Asking them to check answers (asking – ‘does this make sense?’ ‘Why?’) and asking them to check their answer in another way (inverse operations)
- Engaging your child in everyday situations to apply mathematic skills and knowledge (cooking, shopping, money, map reading, measurement etc)
By families having an active role in supporting their child to become numerate, the more likely they will be able to see success in their application and when problems become more challenging. If you’d like further information about more ways to specifically support your child, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
Lunch Time Play
Each week the Play Space area of ‘The Lawn’ is shared and rotated during Lunch Play over an odd and even week roster. This ensures equity of the use of the space and maintains safety for everyone. To support your child in knowing the options for play that are available during lunchtime, the roster is included below:
The Lawn |
3-6 |
R-2 |
3-6 |
R-2 |
3-6 |
The Lawn |
R-2 |
3-6 |
R-2 |
3-6 |
R-2 |
Where year levels do not have access to the lawn for lunch, they are welcome to:
- Play a game on the courts or four square grids
- Visit the library
- Join Lunch Club in the hall on Monday – Wednesday for uno, chess, connect 4, drawing, colouring, building
- Log in to Minecraft on Thursday or Friday (roster dependent)
- Explore Nature Play, make mud pies, dig in the sand and visit the Vegetable Garden
- Climb in the Playground
- Make up your own imaginary games
- Use the toys under the Green
- Chat with friends on the bench seating
The Year 6 Sports leaders are also working on some other fun and exciting lunchtime options.
Cyber Safety Parent Workshop
In today’s increasingly digital world, the issue of e-safety, that is keeping children safe in the electronic world, is extremely important. Online safety is a whole community issue and we aim to support parents in keeping their children safe by providing a parent workshop on Tuesday 6 June at 6.30pm in the SJBC Hall. This presentation by SAPOL officers, is designed to improve parents’ knowledge and understanding of the risks their child may face online. It also provides practical strategies and advice to help parents support their child online and signposts to further resources and reporting sites which may be of use.
This is an invitation to all parents a St John the Baptist Catholic School, as a pro-active support to all families. Students in Year 4-6 will also be involved in a student version of this presentation during the school day so we strongly encourage families from these year levels to attend. Research and evidence suggests that when children and parents have a shared understanding of the information, it provides opportunities for rich and open conversations to keep everyone safe online.
Please register your interest below in attending this important parent information session by Monday 28th May.
Period of Tenure
Following a successful two year professional appraisal at the conclusion of the 2022 school year, Todd LaForgia has been offered and accepted a second period of tenure which concludes on the 31 January 2028. Todd looks forward to continuing to bring to life the School Mission and Vision within the wonderful community of St John the Baptist Catholic School.
Best Wishes
The Leadership Team
Todd LaForgia, Jo Livingstone, Amanda Razon & Michael Cimarosti
A note on the Ascension and Pentecost
After Jesus’ death and resurrection, we celebrate seven weeks of the Easter season. Last Sunday we came to the feast of Jesus’ Ascension into heaven to be with God the Father. Jesus affirmed his disciples that he would always be with them and promised to send the Holy Spirit, the advocate. Now, this Sunday we observe this important date in the Church calendar with the feast of Pentecost. This is the day when Jesus’ apostles received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Filled with the spirit they were convicted to go about their mission to spread the message of God’s love and the Good News throughout the world. We can be thankful for this day of Pentecost, as our Catholic school is a product of the work that began with Jesus’ first followers.
Catholic Education Week
In relation to the celebration of the Catholic faith, we celebrated Catholic Education week throughout South Australia. The theme this year was #LovemyCatholicSchool where students shared why they loved being at their Catholic school. Ours can be found on our school Facebook page.
A big congratulations to Macy F in 3J and Harvey F in Rec DC as they received their Sacrament of Baptism at St John the Baptist church, 10am on Sunday 21st May. We pray that you may continue to grow in God’s love.
Sacramental Program
On Thursday 11th May the children in the Sacramental Program had their First Reconciliation. The children and their families will continue to prepare for the next steps of their Sacramental journey. The next information session for Confirmation and Holy Communion is on Wednesday 31st May at 7pm in the SJB hall.
Laudato Si Week
From May 21-28 we celebrate Laudato Si week which is based on the official letter written by Pope Francis urging us to take care of our common home, the earth. To observe the importance of this message, the Year 6 Social Justice leaders have promoted 6 simple challenges to complete during the week. These include lights off for a lesson, no unnecessary water use, less printing, cleaning the school yard, no technology between recess and lunch as well as sorting our recycling bins. We hope that this initiative will promote greater awareness in caring for our environment.
Amanda Razon
Statement of Accounts
A Statement of Accounts will be sent home this week, please ensure your current method of payment will see your account paid in full by 24th November, unless previously arranged. If you have changed your address, please advise the office as soon as possible on info@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au
School Card
Please follow the link below to apply for the 2023 School Card Scheme. Once we have received the eligibility report from School Card the remission will be applied to your account.
The School Card scheme provides low-income families attending a non-government school with financial assistance for school fees (materials and services charges).
School Card is available to:
- families with children aged four years and over who attend a school full-time
- independent full-time students studying year 10, 11 or 12
- adult re-entry students undertaking subjects to complete their SAC
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries regarding the above.
Change of Circumstance
We ask those families whose circumstances may have changed or are experiencing difficulties to please contact Todd LaForgia or myself at your earliest convenience via email: pmarks@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au
Pam Marks
Bursar/Finance Officer
Please be reminded to put in your diaries, Friday 9th June Pupil Free Day for Staff Development.

SAPASASA Cross Country Carnival
Congratulations to Bree K, Inara N and Henry S who have been selected to represent the Airport District in SAPSASA Cross Country Championships at Oakbank.
Congratulations to Elise H, Grace A and Bree K who have been selected to represent the Airport District in SAPSASA Netball Team.
There was much excitement this week as the children participating in soccer received their tops. For some children, this Saturday’s soccer game will be their first competitive match and they are so excited to be representing SJBCS. Hoping everyone has fun and enjoys being part of a team and learning new skills.
SACPSSA Lacrosse Carnival
Our South Australian Catholic Primary School Sport Association (SACPSSA) Lacrosse carnival is next Tuesday 30th May (Week 5). All students from Years 4-6 will participate. We would love your support on the day by managing a team. You must have completed the appropriate Catholic Police Clearance and Volunteer paperwork. Looking forward to a great carnival.
Sports Leaders Day
On Friday May 12th our Year 6 Sport Leaders took part in a Student Leadership workshop at St Michaels at Beverly organised by SACPSSA. The Student Leadership Program aims to create opportunities for senior primary students and their teachers to work together in their own school context to enhance the physical activity, physical education or out of hours sports programs in their schools.
On May 12th Amarlie, Ava, Arikhia, Bree, Elise, Alex, William and Lucas the sports leaders went on an excursion to St Michaels. At St Michaels we learnt how to interact with the Junior Primary Classes encouraging them to participate in physical activity as well as learning lots of new and fun games. Some of the games we learnt were Flush the Toilet, Change it, Chicken Toss, Freeze, Melt and European Handball. These games were great because we were very active whilst having lots of fun. We cannot wait to teach these games to the Junior Primary Classes.
Term 2 Sport Carnivals
SACPSSA Lacrosse Carnival – Tuesday 30th May (Week 5)
SACPSSA Netball Carnival – Monday 3rd July (Week 10)
**Please note change of date**
Mary Murray
Co-curricular Sport Co-ordinator

School Disco
We are holding a School Disco on Friday 16th June - please see flyer for further details.

All orders for both recess and lunch are to be ordered via our Qkr! app.
Canteen orders close each canteen day (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) at 9.00am.
Healthy Canteen (Tuesday & Thursday) orders close on Mondays at 12pm.
Canteen Roster
Term 2
Friday 26th May - Jo & Stacey Arnold
Monday 29th May - Julie
Tuesday 30th May - Jo
Wednesday 31st May - Julie
Thursday 1st June - Jo
Friday 2nd June - Jo & Megan Spokes
Monday 5th June - Julie
Tuesday 6th June - Jo
Wednesday 7th June - Maria Esteban, Neeta Saldanha & Julie
Thursday 8th June - Jo
Friday 9th June - Pupil Free Day
Julie Henschke & Jo Fitzgerald

St John the Baptist School provides a safe environment for all while valuing the partnership between school and home.
As a Catholic community, we welcome and value volunteers. To be able to volunteer, and/or attend at other times throughout the school year, we ask that you hold a current Catholic Police Check (parents/caregivers attending excursions, reading in class, helping in class, attending community events), a current Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect in Education and Care for Volunteers certificate, have completed the volunteers application package and your COVID vaccination certificate.
A Catholic Police Check for volunteers is free for our current parents and caregivers. Application Forms are available in our school office.
This process ensures we maintain a child safe environment. To avoid disappointment, we encourage you to apply for a Catholic Police Check through the school office as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school office on 8218 3300 or email Francis Schulz on fschulz@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au .

Hamra Library currently offer the following drop-in activities:
- A monthly writers' group (4:30-5:30pm every second Wednesday of the month)
- A monthly book club with no set text, just a place to come and talk about books! (4:30-5:30pm last Wednesday of every month)
- Homework club for all-ages study assistance every Monday during term, 4pm-6pm.
- 24/7 access to Studiosity for additional support if they have a West Torrens library card!
- The Australian Refugee Association offers homework support to students from refugee backgrounds who have been in Australia for 5 years or less every Thursday of term - 4pm-6pm
- Lego Club (every 2nd Monday during term time, 3:30-5pm)
- "Sign Squad" for 12-25 year olds to learn Auslan from a Deaf tutor (Friday 5-6pm in weeks 1, 4, and 8 of each term)
None of these activities require bookings but further information is available via the Hamra Library website on the Activities and Events webpage:

The links and information that are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by St John the Baptist Catholic School of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organisation or individual. St John the Baptist Catholic School bears no responsibility for the accuracy legality or contact of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Important Dates
Mass 9.30am - 1SM & 4PR
The Ascension
John the Baptist Feast Day Mass 12pm
National Sorry Day
SACPSSA Lacrosse Carnival
2023 T3 New Parents Info Session
Sacramental Parent Info Evening 7pm
Mass 9.30am - 3BM & Year 6s
Trinity Sunday
Assembly - REC B
Mass 9.30am REC DC & 3WD
Pupil Free Day
Blood & Body of Christ
Kings Birthday Public Holiday
Mass 9.30am - 2S & 5HB
School Disco
Principal's Tour 9.30am
John the Baptist Feast Day
School Board Meeting 6.30pm
SACPSSA Netball Carnival

Congratulations to those who celebrate their birthday in the next two weeks and during the holidays.
May Birthdays
25th May - Shanaya G (REC DC)
26th May - Mila S (2S)
28th May - Ava D (2S)
29th May - Alexandra P (4A)
30th May - Alice L (4A)
31st May - Anhad M (2S)
June Birthdays
1st June - Ayen A (4A)
2nd June - Rocco G (4A)
4th June - Ava H (2T)
5th June - Isabel T (3BM)
6th June - Cruz S-T (2T)
7th June - Olivia M (4PR)
8th June - Breanna K (6C), & Eloise S (5F)
School Uniform

Our uniform is available for purchase from Brandmode, 83 Glen Osmond Road, Eastwood. Ph - (08) 8357 0022
To purchase uniform online please click here.
To book an appointment please click here.
For further information on our Uniform Guidelines, please click here.
Instrumental Tutors
We currently offer the following instrumental tutoring:
(currently a waitlist)
Tutor - Christine Davies
Ph: 0403 546 091
Email - christineonpiano@gmail.com
Tutor - Dido Durmanovic
Ph: 0407 719 836
Email: didodurmanovic@hotmail.com
Tutor - Shaun Doddy
Ph: 0417 806 993
Email: shaundoddy@rocketmail.com

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, learn and work.
We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual connection and relationship of Aboriginal peoples to this country and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Artwork - Unknown artist
Camp Australia

To make a Your OSHC booking, you need to register with Camp Australia first.
Registration is free and can be done online, or with our smartphone app.
Southern Cross Newsletter

Click here to read the latest news from the Southern Cross News.