Term 2, Week 8 2022
Dear Families
Welcome to Week 8. With the cooler weather now upon us, we hope that you are keeping well and warm. During Week 6 we launched our new video series via Facebook ‘Leaders Talking About Learning’. If you haven’t seen these yet, they are short clips designed to give you an insight into some of the teaching and learning practices here at St John the Baptist Catholic School. Although initially focussed on our learning in Literacy, we will showcase the variety of learning occurring at our school over the coming months. If there is an area of particular focus you believe would be useful to learn about, please do not hesitate to contact us with your idea.
Assessment and Reporting
As we move towards the first written report of the year being distributed in Week 10, we thought that it would be timely to share some information about the role Assessment and Reporting plays in our school.
What is Assessment and Reporting?
At St Johns, assessment refers to how information and data are gathered, and the inferences staff make from these about student progress and achievement. Reporting refers to how this progress and achievement is shared with students and their families. It is an ongoing connected process and involves continually sharing this information in a variety of different mediums, not just a written report twice a year.
Why do we assess learning?
Teachers assess students to identify, reflect and plan future learning accordingly, based on the data and information gathered. Assessments provide opportunity to report back and give feedback to students and families about how they are going in their learning, what they have mastered and what they still need to master.
What do we assess?
The Australian Curriculum defines the knowledge, understanding and skills that students are directed to learn each year. This information is contained in the achievement standard for each learning area. These standards are underpinned by the content descriptors and general capabilities, which provide the learning intentions and the success criteria that are used to plan with. Other curriculum documents that are used include the Child Protection Curriculum, Crossways Religious Education Curriculum and the MITIOG (Made in the Image of God) framework.
Formative and summative assessments?
Formative assessments allow students to receive regular and ongoing feedback about their progress and learning. It provides teachers with the opportunity to monitor learning and gives time to check-in on individuals. Summative assessments are designed to provide a judgement against an achievement standard at a particular point in time. The tools used to collect this information range from observations, checklists, rubrics, tests, work samples, projects, presentations, and many other modes.
What is moderation?
Moderation is the process teachers engage in to support the consistency of their judgements. The use of the Australian Curriculum achievement standards provides a common reference point for reporting to families on student achievement. Teachers engage in moderation discussions with colleagues over the year to confirm their judgements about students’ achievements against these standards.
Written Reports
The purpose of twice-yearly reporting is to provide families with a summary overview of the achievement and progress of each child for the current reporting period. The report summarises the evidence that has been gathered about the student’s achievement and makes judgements against the Australian Curriculum standards which have been covered in that time period. The report uses a Commonwealth Government mandated A-E reporting framework and contains the following word equivalents negotiated by South Australia:
A Your child is demonstrating excellent achievement of what is expected at this year level
B Your child is demonstrating good achievement of what is expected at this year level
C Your child is demonstrating satisfactory achievement of what is expected at this year level
D Your child is demonstrating partial achievement of what is expected at this year level
E Your child is demonstrating minimal achievement of what is expected at this year level
The benchmark for your child to meet the Australian Curriculum achievement standards is satisfactory. This means they have demonstrated the skills and learning relevant to their year level. This same language is also featured on many of the rubrics and assessments which are posted to Seesaw each term as well.
Continuous Loop of Assessment
As mentioned previously, the way that progress of student learning and achievement is reported to families is a continuous and ongoing process. We believe the most effective reporting occurs when various approaches are used throughout the year. Parents are also strongly encouraged to contact their child’s teacher at any time throughout the year to discuss their child’s learning as this active involvement highlights to the student the positive importance of education. The following is a list of the different ways reporting occurs, many of these are repeated multiple times throughout the year.
- Curriculum Overviews
- Information/Welcome Evenings
- Personal Responsibility Rubrics
- Learning Conversations
- Common Assessment Rubrics via Seesaw
- Written Reports
- Parent Meetings, Phone Calls and Emails
- Photos, Videos and Work Samples
- Anecdotal notes to record evidence of learning
- Provide student feedback verbally or written
- Use of checklists, success criteria
We hope that you found this information helpful. If you have any questions about how your child is going or what they can do to enhance their learning, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
Best Wishes
The Leadership Team - Todd LaForgia, Jo Livingstone, Amanda Razon & Michael Cimarosti
World Meeting of Families
Each year since 2012, Pope John Paul II initiated an event called ‘World Meeting of Families’ as he wanted to celebrate the importance of family and family life. This year marks the 10-year anniversary and our Archbishop Patrick O’Regan has encouraged our archdiocese to commemorate it on a local level. Each family will be given a small prayer booklet as a gift to celebrate this special event.
Vinnies Winter Appeal
The Winter Appeal collections of long-life foods have been a great success! A big thank you to all the lovely families who have been generous in contributing towards supporting those who are experiencing homelessness. The last day for our appeal will be Friday 24th June.
Poster Making Workshop
All children and families who have been preparing for their Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation will be attending the Poster Making Workshop Wednesday 29th June, 6pm at the SJB hall. This night is the time when the children will be creating their posters of the Saint they will choose on the day of their Confirmation.
St. John the Baptist Feast Day - 30th June
We have come to the time of the year which is the birth of St. John the Baptist. In the church calendar there are only three birthdays which are officially celebrated - Jesus (Christmas on 25th December), Mary the Mother of Jesus (8th September) and St. John the Baptist (24th June). We will be celebrating this day with Mass and buddy activities for the students.
This is a special event for our school because we are named after St. John but also it is a time where we come together to commemorate our school community. We will have our school Mass at 12pm in the church and acknowledge the significant years of service for staff who have worked at St. John’s for over ten years.
Harvesters is an informal group of people involved in Catholic parishes, ministries, schools and agencies in South Australia who want to continue spreading Jesus' Good News and encourage each other in their faith journeys. There are no meetings and no costs.
The group has launched a new website, ‘Harvesters Place’ ( www.harvestersplace.com.au ) which explains the purpose of our Harvesters group. It offers a wide range of resources encouraging people to seek and learn more about what it means to be Catholic and to share their faith with others. We also have a Facebook group which everyone is invited to join ((9) Harvesters | Facebook).
Faith Facts
Have you ever wondered about the Sacrament of Confirmation. Click here to find out more!
Amanda Razon
Statement of Accounts
Could you please ensure that your current method of payment is sufficient so that your account will be in a zero balance by the final payment date of the 25th November 2022.
Online payments
When making payments online could you please ensure you list your reference number from your Statement of Accounts eg 9063…….. followed by your child’s surname.
Fee Remission
Families who have previously received fee remission will be required to complete a new fee remission form with the following documentation attached:
- Your most recent tax return(s) – private and/or business as applicable
- Your most recent pay advice(s) and /or other form of income if applicable
- Your Centrelink statement receiving Centrelink or other special benefits
- School Card approval (if applicable)
Please contact Pam Marks, Finance Officer, for the above form or arrange a time to meet.
School Card
Please follow the link to apply for the 2022 School Card Scheme.
The School Card Scheme provides low income families attending a non-government school with financial assistance for school fees (materials and services charges).
Once School Card has been approved the discount will applied to your account, previously this has been at the end of Term 1.
Term 1 Sport Carnivals
If your child participated in the following Sport Carnivals, you wil need to pay via the Qkr! App as soon as possible.
SACPPSA Swimming Carnival $15.00
SAPSASA Lacrosse Carnival $15.00
SACPPSA Yr 5/6 Cricket Carnival $13.00
Term 2 After School Sports
Term 2 after school sports costs will be available to pay via Qkr! shortly - further information on when it will be available for payment will be emailed.
We ask those families whose circumstances may have changed or are experiencing difficulties to please contact Todd LaForgia or myself at your earliest convenience via email: pmarks@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au
Pam Marks
Bursar/Finance Officer

St John the Baptist Catholic School Sports team
We have 16 school sport teams in
- Basketball
- Netball
- Soccer
- Tee Ball
In total, there are 150 children participating in St John the Baptist Catholic School sport teams this term. Many of the children are playing in more than 1 sport.
Sport Carnivals Term 2 2022
- SAPSASA State Cross Country Carnival
Congratulations to William d’A (6B) and Amelia P (6R) who competed in the SAPSASA State Cross Country Carnival on 9th June at Oakbank.
William placed 52nd with a time of 00:12:46.2 seconds for the 3km course out of 195 runners.
Amelia placed 108th with a time of 00:15:48.5 seconds for the 3km course out of 173 runners.
- SACPSSA Lacrosse All Year 4 - 6 Friday 17th June Week 7
St John’s fielded 15 teams in the SACPSSA Lacrosse Carnival that was held at the Glenelg Lacrosse Club grounds on Friday 17th June. In total approximately 130 students competed from Yr. 4 – 6.
All teams competed with fairness and skill. A big thank you to all the parents who came out to coach a team!
Upcoming Events
- Crows Cup Year 5/6 Girls Friday 24th June Week 8
- Westies Cup Year 5/6 Boys Tuesday 28th June Week 9
- SACPSSA Netball All Years 4 - 6 Tuesday 5th July Week 10
Please note.
Hard copy permission / information notes will no longer go home for Sports Carnivals.
ALL notes will be online via the Qkr! App
In the Qkr! App you will be asked to –
- Give permission for your child to attend
- Volunteer to help at the carnivals (without your help the children would not be able to participate)
- Pay the costs for registration and transport and sign
- This is the only option available
Paul O'Dea

Congratulations to Angelique M in 5F who will be competing in Calisthenics on the Sunshine Coast in July to do her Graceful Girl. She will be representing our state and her club, Marden Calisthenics College. Good luck Angelique!
This term, the Year 4 choir began rehearsing on Monday mornings at 8.15am.
These very enthusiastic students have been attending every week and are keen to perform.
Well done to Allyn M, Blessing K, Amalie W, Angelina S, Emily M, Matilda S and Scarlett W.
If your child would like to join the Year 4 Choir, please send an email to acaruana@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au
Antonietta Caruana
Choir Trainer
Many children fear making a mistake when they begin a new challenge or are facing a stressful situation. As parents, sometimes we don't know how to help our children get through their fear and may accidentally say something that can make the situation worse, for example "Don't worry, you'll be fine". Attached below is a poster with some suggestions on what you can say to your children during times when they are worried or anxious, and you could even practice saying them yourself if you feel overwhelmed.
Sarah Byrnes
School Counsellor

Currently due to COVID restrictions no cash will be taken over the counter at the canteen for iceblocks. Iceblocks can still be ordered via our Qkr! app.
Canteen orders close each canteen day (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) at 9.00am.
Healthy Canteen (Tuesday & Thursday) orders close on Mondays at 12pm.
Canteen Roster
Friday 24th June - Megan Kloeden & Julie
Monday 27th June - Michelle Politis & Julie
Wednesday 29th June - Julie
Friday 1st July - Melisa Gorgone & Julie
Monday 4th July - Julie
Wednesday 6th July - Neeta Saldanha & Julie
Friday 8th July - Dove Lin & Lucianna Introna
Julie Henschke & Jo Fitzgerald

St John the Baptist School provides a safe environment for all while valuing the partnership between school and home.
As a Catholic community, we welcome and value volunteers. To be able to volunteer, and/or attend at other times throughout the school year, we ask that you hold a current Catholic Police Check (parents/caregivers attending excursions, reading in class, helping in class, attending community events), a current Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect in Education and Care for Volunteers certificate, have completed the volunteers application package and your COVID vaccination certificate.
A Catholic Police Check for volunteers is free for our current parents and caregivers. Application Forms are available in our school office.
This process ensures we maintain a child safe environment. To avoid disappointment, we encourage you to apply for a Catholic Police Check through the school office as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school office on 8218 3300.

Parenting SA - 60 Second Survey
Do you have children under the age of 18?
We have one very important question to ask South Australian parents/caregivers.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
The links and information that are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by St John the Baptist Catholic School of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organisation or individual. St John the Baptist Catholic School bears no responsibility for the accuracy legality or contact of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Important Dates
2022 Term 3 New Parent Information Session
Year 5/6 Girls Crows Cup
Year 5/6 Boys Westies Cup
Sacrament Poster Making Session
School Board Meeting
Feast of St John the Baptist
Years 4-6 Netball Carnival
Term 2 Concludes

Congratulations to those who celebrate their birthday in the next two weeks.
June Birthdays
24th June - Raizel J (6B) & Harry P (REC B)
25th June - Annabelle C (1M)
27th June - Syd P (REC CK)
28th June - Danielle S (6B) & Oscar B (1M)
29th June - Ewan H (4P)
30th June - Lucas O'B (5C)
July Birthdays
1st July - Judd B (1SM) & Quinn C (REC D)
6th July - Willow S (1M)
School Uniform

Our uniform is available for purchase from Brandmode, 83 Glen Osmond Road, Eastwood. Ph - (08) 8357 0022
To purchase uniform online please click here.
To book an appointment please click here.
For further information on our Uniform Guidelines, please click here.
Southern Cross Newsletter

Click here to read the latest news from the Southern Cross News.

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, learn and work.
We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual connection and relationship of Aboriginal peoples to this country and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Artwork - Unknown artist
Camp Australia

To make a Your OSHC booking, you need to register with Camp Australia first.
Registration is free and can be done online, or with our NEW industry leading smartphone app.