Term 2, Week 8 2023
- From the Leadership Team
- 2024 Term 3 & 2025 Sibling Enrolments
- Catholic Identity
- Beanies for Vinnies Day
- Finance News
- Pupil Free Day - Monday 24th July (Term 3)
- From the Sport Coordinator
- From the Counsellor
- From the Library
- Save the Date
- Parents & Friends
- Canteen News
- Camp Australia OSHC
- Volunteering at St Johns
- Community News
- Plympton Parish
- A Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder & It's Impact
- Cybersafety Parent Session
- Ikea Holiday Activities
- Adelaide 36ers Holiday Clinics
- Softball Holiday Clinic
- Hamra Library Activities
- Seacliff Calisthenics
- Disclaimer
Dear Families
Staffing News
Teresa Mori has been successful in attaining a position in the disability sector and will be finishing up at our school today. Teresa has been a staff member at St John the Baptist Catholic School since 2018 and in that time has positively impacted the learning and wellbeing outcomes of many children across the school. The children farewelled Teresa at our assembly on Tuesday afternoon. We wish Teresa all the best for her future endeavours. She will certainly be missed!
School Discos - Thank you
Thank you to the Parents and Friends who worked closely with our Deputy Principal, Jo Livingstone, to coordinate and organise the two discos for the children last Friday evening. The children (and some staff) were very excited and enjoyed the opportunity to show off their dancing skills. We wish to also acknowledge the staff present and the many parent volunteers. A great community event!
School Performance Report
Each year schools are required to prepare a report for their parents and community, as a requirement of the School Assistance Act. We wish to advise that the Annual School Performance Report is now available on the school website. Hard copies are also available from the office on request.
Building Opening
As previously communicated, the official opening of the new building is to occur on Tuesday 1st August at 10:00am (Week 2 of Term 3). The official Opening and Blessing will be presided over by Archbishop O’Regan and the plaque will be unveiled by Blair Boyer, MP- Minister for Education, Training and Skills. This is a significant celebration for the school community. Parents are most welcome to attend and join this special occasion.
Grandparent’s/Special Persons morning was originally scheduled for the same week (Friday 4th August). However, due to the opening of the new building, a new format to welcome grandparent’s/special persons into the school will be devised and communicated to the school community in due course.
Cyber Safety Presentation
Following on from last weeks Cyber Safety presentation by Senior Constable Matt Robinson the information below is provided to support families as they navigate the digital world and assist parents in keeping their children safe online.
We live in a highly connected world and Australian children are spending more time online than ever before. Students’ online experiences play a significant role in their social and emotional development and they need ongoing support to help them care for themselves and others in the online environment. Cyber safety education is essential for reducing the risks, building resilience and creating more positive online experiences. These skills and knowledge are explicitly taught from Reception to Year 6 and supported by the Australian Curriculum. Parents also play an important role in supporting positive and safe behaviour in the online world.
Below are some simple steps and websites that offer practical and easy strategies, families can implement to support childrens’ safe digital experiences.
Advice for parents and carers
- Keep the computer or device in an area of your home that can be supervised. And check in regularly with your child to see what they are viewing.
- Stay engaged with their online activity. Consider setting up your own accounts with the sites they use most so you can see how they work and understand the risks.
- Explore the online world with them to help establish that this is not just a solitary activity. Play games with them. Do a creative project together.
- Think about social media readiness. Most social media sites require users to be at least 13 years of age before they can register, although some sites are created especially for children under 13.
- Encourage respect and empathy. Teach them to avoid sharing or posting things that may upset others.
- Be aware of any social media posts that identify a student’s school including their school unform and school emblem or logo.
- Start building resilience. Teach your child that there are ways they can deal with material that worries or frightens them. This includes immediately telling you or another trusted adult of any concerns or uncomfortable material.
- Be clear about how much time they can spend online, the apps they can use, the websites they can visit and what they can share or post online.
- Ensure your own devices are protected by a password or pin, so your child cannot accidentally come across inappropriate content.
- Use parental control tools appropriate for the age and experience of your child. Be upfront and get your child on board. Let them know that these can be reviewed and changed as they get older and they continue to demonstrate responsible behaviour.
Listed below are sites that provide advice and resources for you to support your child. Please click in the hyperlink for further information.
eSmart is where the smart, safe and responsible use of information and communications technology is a cultural norm. Students, teachers and the wider school community are equipped to embrace the best these technologies can offer, while being savvy about the pitfalls. |
Cybersmart is a national cybersafety and cybersecurity education program managed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), as part of the Australian Government's commitment to cybersafety. The program is specifically designed to meet the needs of its target audiences of children, young people, parents, teachers and library staff. |
How much screen time for children? Screen time is the time you spend watching TV, using the computer, playing video or hand-held computer games, and using a mobile phone. A healthy family lifestyle includes limits on daily screen time. |
Common Sense Media helps families make smart media choices. They offer the largest, most trusted library of independent age-based and educational ratings and reviews for movies, games, apps, TV shows, websites, books, and music. Our Parent Concerns and Parent Blog help families understand and navigate the problems and possibilities of raising children in the digital age. |
Carly Ryan Foundation https://www.carlyryanfoundation.com/
The CRF is a certified online safety program provider under the Office of the eSafety Commissioner and delivers online safety and healthy relationship seminars to students and parents. The organisation also provides a range of services and support in the areas of internet safety and crime, cyberbullying, connection to resources and counselling and contributing to law and policy reform |
A range of resources and advice for parents regarding cyberbullying, cybersafety and the positive use of digital technology |
Internet Safety Tips by Age. Once opened, scroll down to find the age group you are after. MediaSmarts has been developing digital and media literacy programs and resources for Canadian homes, schools and communities since 1996. Through our work we support adults with information and tools so they can help children and teens develop the critical thinking skills they need for interacting with the media they love. |
https://www.fosi.org/good-digital-parenting-tool/seven-steps-good-digital-parenting |
Parenting today's tech savvy kids can seem overwhelming. But you can do it! Take these seven simple, though still challenging steps, to becoming a good digital parent. |
eSafety supports individuals and promotes online safety for all Australians. This includes providing information and tools to help manage online safety risks, and administering schemes to tackle serious online abuse targeted at an adult, cyberbullying material targeted at an Australian child, the non-consensual sharing of intimate images, and harmful online material. |
Provides free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help your family grow and thrive together. Funded by the Australian Government, reviewed by experts. Designed for busy families and full of tips and tricks for you to try, our content is easy to find and easy to digest. Articles, videos and interactive resources are tailored to different ages and stages, from nurturing a newborn to raising a confident, resilient teen. |
One App that many children may use or ask parents to access is TIKTOK. Below is information that may be helpful.
Users must be over 13 years of age to use TikTok. Some of the videos on TikTok may contain explicit language and sexual imagery, which may not be suitable for your child to view and there is also the risk of strangers contacting your child. If your child is using TikTok then ensure the appropriate security/privacy settings are on.
It is recommended to set the account as private (this is the default setting for users under 16 since Jan 2021). Even with a private account, your child’s profile information such as their photo are still visible so ensure your child understands the importance of not adding personal information (e.g. location, age and phone numbers) to this area. This article explains how you can strengthen your privacy settings and what features are turned off by default for accounts for children aged 13 – 15: https://newsroom.tiktok.com/enus/strengthening-privacy-and-safety-foryouth
Family Pairing
This allows you to link your own account to your child’s account. You can then set controls such as restricted mode (limit the appearance of inappropriate content) and screen time management. You can find out more here: https://www.tiktok.com/safety/en/guardians-guide/
Blocking and Reporting
Ensure your child knows how to use these features. Bullying on TikTok Make sure your child knows that help is always available. This article makes suggestions on appropriate settings as well as how to deal with bullying: https://www.tiktok.com/safety/ensg/bullying-prevention/
Best Wishes
The Leadership Team
Todd LaForgia, Jo Livingstone, Amanda Razon & Michael Cimarosti

Do you have a child due to start in Term 3, 2024 or 2025 - if so, sibling enrolments are now overdue.
Please contact the front office on 8218 3300 or download a copy of the enrolment form here.
St John the Baptist Feast Day
On Monday 26th June we will celebrate the Nativity of St John the Baptist (his actual feast day is on Saturday 24th June) as a community. St John the Baptist has a special place in our school, not only because we are named after him but also because of his example. St John the Baptist led by his humility and courage in the way he lived and by speaking the truth. Although St John the Baptist attracted many disciples, he still directed others to follow Jesus.
We honour him on his birthday and celebrate this occasion as a community. This special day will include a whole school Mass in the church at 12pm followed by Buddy activities after lunch.
Beanies for Vinnies
Next Tuesday 27th June is Beanies for Vinnies day. Each student is invited to wear a beanie to school and bring in their donation to Vinnies.
- Reception: Cans of fruit
- Year 1: Cans of long-life food
- Year 2: Breakfast cereals
- Year 3: Long life milk
- Year 4: Rice
- Year 5: Pasta
- Year 6: Cooking oil
We thank everyone for their generosity and support.
Poster Making Session
The children from the Sacramental Program will have a Poster Making session on Wednesday 5th July and this will be held in the hall. This session is an opportunity for the children to research the saint that they will choose for Confirmation.
Children are encouraged to choose a saint that they feel most drawn to so they can have them as an example in striving to live a holy life.
Amanda Razon

Each year our school participates in various initiatives to give back to the community. This term we will be supporting the Vinnies Winter Appeal and focus on donating long life foods by holding a Beanies for Vinnies Day.
On Tuesday 27th June, Week 9 students are invited to wear a beanie and bring in their item of donation. Our Social Justice Leaders will be visiting each class this week to inform classes of this event.
Each year level has a specific item to donate:
- Reception: Cans of fruit
- Year 1: Cans of long-life food
- Year 2: Breakfast cereals
- Year 3: Long life milk
- Year 4: Rice
- Year 5: Pasta
- Year 6: Cooking oil
Thank you for supporting a worthy cause!
Qkr! After School Sport Payments
Could you please ensure that all after school sport payments are finalised as soon as possible. An email went home from Mary Murray with instructions on how to complete your transaction.
Change of Circumstance
We ask those families whose circumstances may have changed or are experiencing difficulties to please contact Todd LaForgia or myself at your earliest convenience via email: pmarks@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au
Statement of Accounts
Can you please ensure your current method of payment will see your account paid in full by 24th November, unless previously arranged. If you have changed your address, please advise the office as soon as possible on info@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au
School Card
Please follow the link below to apply for the 2023 School Card Scheme. Once we have received the eligibility report from School Card the remission will be applied to your account.
The School Card scheme provides low-income families attending a non-government school with financial assistance for school fees (materials and services charges).
School Card is available to:
- families with children aged four years and over who attend a school full-time
- independent full-time students studying year 10, 11 or 12
- adult re-entry students undertaking subjects to complete their SAC
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries regarding the above.
Pam Marks
Bursar/Finance Officer
Monday 24th July (Term 3) is a Pupil Free Day for Staff Development.

As the term draws to a close so does our Term 2 basketball and netball. We thank those coaches who have given up their time to coach the children each week during games and practices. We will be offering basketball and netball again in Term 3. Registration will open shortly via the Qkr! app. Please consider nominating your child and volunteering your time to coach one of these teams.
Netball Permission Form Years 4-6
A reminder, the netball permission form is on Qkr! please fill out the consent and the volunteer form by Friday 30th June. All details regarding the Years 4-6 netball carnival, can be found in the Sports Payments 2023 Carnivals etc, in the Qkr! app.
SACPSSA (Catholic Schools) Cross Country Carnival
Held early in Term 3, Thursday August 10th - Week 3. Details available shortly on the Qkr! app. Children from Years 3-6 who can run 2km without stopping are encouraged to participate. Trials for the carnival will take place during school time within the next few weeks. More information to follow shortly.
Term 2 Sport Carnival
SACPSSA Netball Carnival – Monday 3rd July (Week 10)
**Please note change of date**
Term 3 Sport Carnivals
SACPSSA Cross-Country Carnival – Thursday 10th August (Week 3)
SACPSSA Touch Carnival – Friday 8th September (Week 7)
Mary Murray
Co-curricular Sport Co-ordinator
Explaining grief to children in the aftermath of the loss of a loved one is really challenging. Not only are we dealing with our own feelings, we have to then try to help our children navigate the changes that are happening and what the future might look like.
Grief isn't just about losing a loved one though, grief can be related to the loss of a friendship, a home, parent separation, moving interstate or overseas, changing schools. Any situation that involves loss of some kind can cause grief. Grief is a normal part of life, during times of loss, and it needs to be acknowledged and supported.
A short story, written by Doris Stickney in the late 1970's uses Waterbugs and Dragonflies as a metaphor for explaining what happens after death in a child friendly way. Elements of this story can also be used to assist children in understanding the concept of loss and big changes in their life. The story can be found here.
Sarah Byrnes
Centacare Counsellor

Just a reminder to keep encouraging your children to keep on reading for the challenge. There is plenty of time to complete it with all of our support. It finishes officially on the 8th September.
If students need help with choosing books that interest them we will gladly assist.
The Library Team

Our School Concert will be held on Thursday 17th August at 7.00pm - don't forget to put it in your calendar. Further details will be available at a later date.

Donut Day
We are having a Reconciliation & NAIDOC Week Donut Fundraiser. Donuts are $3 each to be purchased via Qkr!. Please see flyer for further details.

All orders for both recess and lunch are to be ordered via our Qkr! app.
Canteen orders close each canteen day (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) at 9.00am.
Healthy Canteen (Tuesday & Thursday) orders close on Mondays at 12pm.
Canteen Roster
Term 2
Friday 23rd June - Jo & Belinda Steindorf
Monday 26th June - Julie
Tuesday 27th June - Jo
Wednesday 28th June - Julie & Toni Stevens
Thursday 29th June - Jo
Friday 30th June - Jo & Melissa Gorgone
Monday 3rd July - Julie
Tuesday 4th July - Jo
Wednesday 5th July - Julie & Julian Thompson
Thursday 6th July - Jo
Friday 7th July - Jo & Stacey Arnold
Julie Henschke & Jo Fitzgerald

St John the Baptist School provides a safe environment for all while valuing the partnership between school and home.
As a Catholic community, we welcome and value volunteers. To be able to volunteer, and/or attend at other times throughout the school year, we ask that you hold a current Catholic Police Check (parents/caregivers attending excursions, reading in class, helping in class, attending community events), a current Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect in Education and Care for Volunteers certificate, have completed the volunteers application package and your COVID vaccination certificate.
A Catholic Police Check for volunteers is free for our current parents and caregivers. Application Forms are available in our school office.
This process ensures we maintain a child safe environment. To avoid disappointment, we encourage you to apply for a Catholic Police Check through the school office as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school office on 8218 3300 or email Francis Schulz on fschulz@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au .

The Adelaide 36ers July School Holiday Clinics supported by HomeStart Finance are back. Facilitated by our Community Coaches, 36ers legends and Current Players, our 2-day School Holiday Training Camps provide the perfect environment for tomorrow's NBL stars to hone their skills and to learn from stars of our game. Available 36ers players will be in attendance.
For further information about the Clinics: https://www.adelaide36ers.com/pages/holiday-clinics

Hamra Library currently offer the following drop-in activities:
- A monthly writers' group (4:30-5:30pm every second Wednesday of the month)
- A monthly book club with no set text, just a place to come and talk about books! (4:30-5:30pm last Wednesday of every month)
- Homework club for all-ages study assistance every Monday during term, 4pm-6pm.
- 24/7 access to Studiosity for additional support if they have a West Torrens library card!
- The Australian Refugee Association offers homework support to students from refugee backgrounds who have been in Australia for 5 years or less every Thursday of term - 4pm-6pm
- Lego Club (every 2nd Monday during term time, 3:30-5pm)
- "Sign Squad" for 12-25 year olds to learn Auslan from a Deaf tutor (Friday 5-6pm in weeks 1, 4, and 8 of each term)
None of these activities require bookings but further information is available via the Hamra Library website on the Activities and Events webpage:

The links and information that are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by St John the Baptist Catholic School of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organisation or individual. St John the Baptist Catholic School bears no responsibility for the accuracy legality or contact of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Important Dates
St John the Baptist Feast Day
St John the Baptist Feast Day Mass 12pm
School Advisory Board Meeting 6.30pm
SACPSSA Netball Carnival
Last Day of Term - 3pm Finish
Pupil Free Day
First Day of Term 3

Congratulations to those who celebrate their birthday in the next two weeks and during the holidays.
June Birthdays
22nd June - Ruby S (REC DC)
23rd June - Tonna I (1M)
24th June - Harry P (1M)
25th June - Annabelle C (2T) & Sanaya P (REC DC)
27th June - Syd P (1M) & Kayden H (REC B)
28th June - Oscar B (2S)
29th June - Ewan H (5F)
30th June - Lucas O'B (6GR)
July Birthdays
1st July - Judd B (2S) & Quinn C (1M)
School Uniform

Our uniform is available for purchase from Brandmode, 83 Glen Osmond Road, Eastwood. Ph - (08) 8357 0022
To purchase uniform online please click here.
To book an appointment please click here.
For further information on our Uniform Guidelines, please click here.
Instrumental Tutors
We currently offer the following instrumental tutoring:
(currently a waitlist)
Tutor - Christine Davies
Ph: 0403 546 091
Email - christineonpiano@gmail.com
Tutor - Dido Durmanovic
Ph: 0407 719 836
Email: didodurmanovic@hotmail.com
Tutor - Shaun Doddy
Ph: 0417 806 993
Email: shaundoddy@rocketmail.com

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, learn and work.
We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual connection and relationship of Aboriginal peoples to this country and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Artwork - Unknown artist
Camp Australia

To make a Your OSHC booking, you need to register with Camp Australia first.
Registration is free and can be done online, or with our smartphone app.
Southern Cross Newsletter

Click here to read the latest news from the Southern Cross News.