Term 3, Week 4 2022
- From the Leadership Team
- Catholic Identity
- With Sympathy
- Finance News
- From the Sport Coordinator
- Library News
- Canteen News
- School Photos
- Catholic Schools Open Week
- Volunteering at St Johns
- Community News
- Cabra Enrolment
- Treasure Boxes Op Shop
- Youth Orchestra Auditions
- Little Athletics - Come & Try Day
- Royal Life Saving SA Holiday Swim Program
- Vacswim SA
- Keswick Cricket Club - Players Wanted
- South Adelaide Basketball Come & Try
- Disclaimer
Dear Families
We live in a highly connected world and Australian children are spending more time online than ever before. Students’ online experiences play a significant role in their social and emotional development and they need ongoing support to help them care for themselves and others in the online environment. Cyber safety education is essential for reducing the risks, building resilience and creating more positive online experiences. These skills and knowledge are explicitly taught from Reception to Year 6 and supported by the Australian Curriculum. Parents also play an important role in supporting positive and safe behaviour in the online world. Below are some simple steps and websites that offer practical and easy strategies, families can implement to support students’ safe digital experiences.
Advice for parents and carers
- Keep the computer or device in an area of your home that can be supervised. And check in regularly with your child to see what they are viewing.
- Stay engaged with their online activity. Consider setting up your own accounts with the sites they use most so you can see how they work and understand the risks.
- Explore the online world with them to help establish that this is not just a solitary activity. Play games with them. Do a creative project together.
- Think about social media readiness. Most social media sites require users to be at least 13 years of age before they can register, although some sites are created especially for children under 13.
- Encourage respect and empathy. Teach them to avoid sharing or posting things that may upset others.
- Be aware of any social media posts that identify a student’s school including their school unform and school emblem or logo.
- Start building resilience. Teach your child that there are ways they can deal with material that worries or frightens them. This includes immediately telling you or another trusted adult of any concerns or uncomfortable material.
- Be clear about how much time they can spend online, the apps they can use, the websites they can visit and what they can share or post online.
- Ensure your own devices are protected by a password or pin, so your child cannot accidentally come across inappropriate content.
- Use parental control tools appropriate for the age and experience of your child. Be upfront and get your child on board. Let them know that these can be reviewed and changed as they get older and they continue to demonstrate responsible behaviour.
Listed below are sites that provide advice and resources for you to support your child. Please click in the hyperlink for further information.
eSmart is where the smart, safe and responsible use of information and communications technology is a cultural norm. Students, teachers and the wider school community are equipped to embrace the best these technologies can offer, while being savvy about the pitfalls. |
Cybersmart is a national cybersafety and cybersecurity education program managed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), as part of the Australian Government's commitment to cybersafety. The program is specifically designed to meet the needs of its target audiences of children, young people, parents, teachers and library staff. |
How much screen time for children? Screen time is the time you spend watching TV, using the computer, playing video or hand-held computer games, and using a mobile phone. A healthy family lifestyle includes limits on daily screen time. |
For a range of advice sheets to deal with cyberbullying and to learn about cyber safety, click on the 'Bully Stoppers-Being Cool Online' image. |
Common Sense Media helps families make smart media choices. They offer the largest, most trusted library of independent age-based and educational ratings and reviews for movies, games, apps, TV shows, websites, books, and music. Our Parent Concerns and Parent Blog help families understand and navigate the problems and possibilities of raising children in the digital age. |
Provides interactive animations, tips and advice to help children (with their parents) decide how to respond if someone is giving them a hard time at school or online, and tools to help children take a stand against bullying, harassment and violence. |
A range of resources and advice for parents regarding cyberbullying, cybersafety and the positive use of digital technology |
Internet Safety Tips by Age. Once opened, scroll down to find the age group you are after. MediaSmarts has been developing digital and media literacy programs and resources for Canadian homes, schools and communities since 1996. Through our work we support adults with information and tools so they can help children and teens develop the critical thinking skills they need for interacting with the media they love. |
Parenting today's tech savvy kids can seem overwhelming. But you can do it! Take these seven simple, though still challenging steps, to becoming a good digital parent. |
eSafety supports individuals and promotes online safety for all Australians. This includes providing information and tools to help manage online safety risks, and administering schemes to tackle serious online abuse targeted at an adult, cyberbullying material targeted at an Australian child, the non-consensual sharing of intimate images, and harmful online material. |
Provides free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help your family grow and thrive together. Funded by the Australian Government, reviewed by experts. Designed for busy families and full of tips and tricks for you to try, our content is easy to find and easy to digest. Articles, videos and interactive resources are tailored to different ages and stages, from nurturing a newborn to raising a confident, resilient teen. |
One App that many children may use or ask parents to access is TIKTOK. Below is information that may be helpful.
You must be over 13 years of age to use TikTok. Some of the videos on TikTok may contain explicit language and sexual imagery, which may not be suitable for your child to view and there is also the risk of strangers contacting your child. If your child is using TikTok then make sure the appropriate security/privacy settings are on.
It is recommended to set the account as private (this is the default setting for users under 16 since Jan 2021). Even with a private account, your child’s profile information such as their photo are still visible so ensure your child understands the importance of not adding personal information (e.g. location, age and phone numbers) to this area. This article explains how you can strengthen your privacy settings and what features are turned off by default for accounts for children aged 13 – 15: https://newsroom.tiktok.com/enus/strengthening-privacy-and-safety-foryouth
Family Pairing
This allows you to link your own account to your child’s account. You can then set controls such as restricted mode (limit the appearance of inappropriate content) and screen time management. You can find out more here: https://www.tiktok.com/safety/en/guardians-guide/
Blocking and Reporting
Ensure your child knows how to use these features. Bullying on TikTok Make sure your child knows that help is always available. This article makes suggestions on appropriate settings as well as how to deal with bullying: https://www.tiktok.com/safety/ensg/bullying-prevention/
Instrumental & Choir Recital
The Instrumental & Choir students will be performing on Thursday 8th September from 6.30pm - 8.00pm in John the Baptist Centre (School Hall). We look forward to our talented musical students entertaining all present on the night.
Best wishes for the week ahead,
The Leadership Team - Todd LaForgia, Jo Livingstone, Amanda Razon & Michael Cimarosti
Feast of the Assumption
We have had several significant feasts after each other recently. Last week we had a celebration for the Feast Day of Mary MacKillop and this week, Monday 15th August was the feast of the Assumption. This is an important day for Catholics as we believe Mary, mother of Jesus, though fully human, was assumed body and soul into heaven. Mary is the perfect example of true discipleship as she lived her life out of a deep love for God and at the end of her earthly life, she was taken up into heaven to be with her son, Jesus. Therefore, Mary’s example gives Catholics hope as followers of Jesus that at the end of our earthly life we will be united with God in heaven too.
Sacramental Program
The celebration of the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion will be taking place on Sunday the 28th August at 10:00am.
In preparation for this, there will be practice held in St John the Baptist Church at 6.00pm on Wednesday 24th August.
The evening will begin with Reconciliation followed by a rehearsal of the Confirmation/First Communion Service. Sponsors/proxies of the children are encouraged to participate in the practise but are not obliged to attend.
Faith Facts
Have you ever wondered about how the Parish Community shares in the mission of Jesus? Click here to find out more.
Amanda Razon

Our prayers are with those who have recently lost loved ones.
May God keep them close.
To the family of Cameron Hendry in 5F for his great grandmother.
"Eternal Rest grant unto her O'Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May She Rest In Peace."
Statement of Accounts
A statement of accounts will be sent home this week via post. If you have changed your address recently please inform the office as soon as possible.
Could you please ensure that your current method of payment is sufficient so that your account will be in a zero balance by the final payment date of the 25th November 2022.
Online payments
When making payments online could you please ensure you list your reference number from your Statement of Accounts eg 9063…….. followed by your child’s surname.
Fee Remission
Families who have previously received fee remission will be required to complete a new fee remission form with the following documentation attached:
- Your most recent tax return(s) – private and/or business as applicable
- Your most recent pay advice(s) and /or other form of income if applicable
- Your Centrelink statement receiving Centrelink or other special benefits
- School Card approval (if applicable)
Please contact Pam Marks, Finance Officer, for the above form or arrange a time to meet.
Qkr! Notifications
Please ensure that you have your notifications on for Qkr! Notifications are sent out when items are closing to ensure you don't miss out. See instructions below regarding turning on notifications.
We ask those families whose circumstances may have changed or are experiencing difficulties to please contact Todd LaForgia or myself at your earliest convenience via email: pmarks@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au
Pam Marks
Bursar/Finance Officer

State Cricket
Congratulations to Adam H from 6R.
Adam has been selected in a team of 13 to represent South Australia in the School Sports Australia 12 years and under National Cricket Championships to be held from Saturday 19 to Saturday 26 November 2022.
The SA team will travel to Shepparton, Victoria where they will play five one day matches against teams from ACT, NSW, QLD, VIC and WA.
It is indeed an honour to have the opportunity to play at these championships. The opportunity that Adam has is unique and is available to very few school students in this country.
Adam has been selected as a batsman. Adam started his cricket playing with local community cricket club Plympton Bulldogs.
St John the Baptist Catholic School Sports teams Term 2 & 3
We have 16 school sport teams in
- Basketball
- Netball
- Soccer
SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival
Years 3 – 6 Thursday 11th August
St John the Baptist Catholic School was represented by 46 Year 3 to 6 students who completed in the SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival in the Easter Parklands. The conditions were cool and muddy (fortunately no rain). The students had to compete over 2000m.
The students competed brilliantly and should be proud of their achievements.
A special mention to Eloise S (4A) for placing 2nd in Year 4 Division A.
Upcoming Sport Carnivals Term 3 2022
- Baseball Carnival (Adelaide Baseball Club)
Year 5 & 6 - Wednesday 24th August (Week 5)
- SACPSSA Touch Carnival
All Year 4 – 6 - Friday 9th September (TBC) (Week 7)
- SAPSASA Tennis Carnival
Year 3 & 4 - Wednesday 21st September (Week 9)
“The South Australian Catholic Primary School Sports Association (SACPSSA) aims to promote the philosophy of good sportsmanship, teach students how to win well and lose graciously, and foster companionship between competitors while promoting a healthy active lifestyle.”
Please note.
Hard copy permission / information notes will no longer go home for Sports Carnivals.
ALL notes will be online via the Qkr! App
In the Qkr! App you will be asked to –
- Give permission for your child to attend
- Volunteer to help at the carnivals (without your help the children would not be able to participate)
- Pay the costs for registration and transport and sign
Kind regards,
Paul O'Dea
PE & Co-curricular Sport Co-ordinator

The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC)
Please encourage your students to continue reading and enjoying books. Students need to aim to complete the Premier's Reading Challenge by September 2nd (Friday of Week 6). We look forward to receiving their forms in the library.
Book Week
The following details the events that have been planned for Children’s Book Week which we are celebrating commencing Week 4 Wednesday 17th August through to Week 5, Tuesday August 23rd.
The Theme for this year’s Book Week is “Dreaming with eyes open…”.
We begin our whole school Book Week celebrations with a performance by Perform! Education titled “Story Quest”. The performance took place on Wednesday 17th August at 1.40pm and was for all students Reception to Year 6.
The performance focused on some of the shortlisted Book Week books and it was a fun way to begin our celebration of Australian books, authors and illustrators.
On Thursday 18th August, we have an Indigenous Art session with the Year 5 & 6 classes to create a canvas celebrating Indigenous art which will be displayed in the library during Book Week.
The Reception, Year 1, 2 & 4 classes have been provided with indigenous art activities which they have enjoyed doing in class. These will also be displayed in the school library.
Monday 22nd August the Year 3 classes will be having a Book Tasting hosted by Rebecca Bird from Pegi Williams Bookshop.
On Tuesday 23rd August there will be a Book Week Parade at 9.00am on the courts (weather permitting). Parents are welcome to attend. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed as a favourite book character or in the theme of “Dreaming with eyes open….”
Throughout the whole of Book Week, classes will be focussed on the shortlisted Book Week books, authors and illustrators and be involved in various activities.
Many thanks in advance for your efforts in helping children with a costume to wear on Tuesday 23rd August. Simple outfits are fine.
Maria & Rose
Library Staff

All orders for both recess and lunch are to be ordered via our Qkr! app.
Canteen orders close each canteen day (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) at 9.00am.
Healthy Canteen (Tuesday & Thursday) orders close on Mondays at 12pm.
Canteen Roster
Term 3
Wednesday 17th August - Julie
Friday 19th August - Dove Lin & Julie
Monday 22nd August - Davina Cimarosti & Julie
Wednesday 24th August - Julie
Friday 26th August - Maria Esteban & Julie
Monday 29th August - Julie
Wednesday 31st August - Julie
Friday 2nd September - Johanna Rowett & Julie
Monday 5th September - Julie
Wednesday 7th September - Julie
Friday 9th September - Daniel Stephenson & Julie
Julie Henschke & Jo Fitzgerald
School Photos will be On Wednesday 7th September by MSP Photography.
Envelopes for payment will be sent home closer to the date. Payments can be made online or if you are choosing to pay cash, please ensure that the correct monies is placed in the envelope as we are unable to give change.
Family envelopes will be available in the school office upon request and need to be ordered prior to the photography day.
All students Reception to Year 6 are required to wear their sports uniform. Please refer to our uniform guidelines here regarding uniform expectations for photos including hair and jewellery.

St John the Baptist School provides a safe environment for all while valuing the partnership between school and home.
As a Catholic community, we welcome and value volunteers. To be able to volunteer, and/or attend at other times throughout the school year, we ask that you hold a current Catholic Police Check (parents/caregivers attending excursions, reading in class, helping in class, attending community events), a current Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect in Education and Care for Volunteers certificate, have completed the volunteers application package and your COVID vaccination certificate.
A Catholic Police Check for volunteers is free for our current parents and caregivers. Application Forms are available in our school office.
This process ensures we maintain a child safe environment. To avoid disappointment, we encourage you to apply for a Catholic Police Check through the school office as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school office on 8218 3300.

Year 7, 2025 intake
Enrolment applications for Year 7, 2025 intake are open. Enrolment applications will close at the conclusion of Term 1, 2023. A reminder that siblings of existing Cabra students are required to submit an enrolment application form.
Year 7, 2024 intake
For families seeking enrolment who have not yet submitted an application, please ask them to contact the registrar directly on 8179 2429. Late applications are now being placed onto our waitlist which will be monitored regularly until commencement of the school year in 2024.
Principal’s Tours
The next Principal’s tours will be held at the college on Tuesday 16 August at 9.15am. For future tour dates and the registration link please click 2022 Principal's tours

Treasure Boxes are a not-for-profit charity that helps SA families in severe disadvantage. We run a fabulous op shop that stocks size 0000 to 5yo with 100% of profits going to help run our organisation. We were hoping that you can visit our op shop with your families which is open to the public Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 10-2pm and the first Saturday of the month 9-12pm.
We select our 300 members annually through auditions for our orchestras: Youth Orchestra, Wind Orchestra, Sinfonia, Youth Strings, Junior Winds and Percussion Ensemble**. Applications for 2023 are now open! **Percussionists are encouraged to apply for our Percussion Ensemble. In addition to playing in the ensemble, percussionists will have opportunities to play with all our orchestras, as well as masterclasses from some of Adelaide’s finest percussionists. As a member of AdYO, you may also apply to join one of our Chamber Groups. In 2022 there has been two string quartets, a brass quintet, a wind quintet, and a sax ensemble. **Current AdYO Members (all orchestras) who are auditioning for the same orchestra, will be asked to submit an unedited video audition. Key Dates Applications Open: Monday 1 August 2022 Applications Close: Sunday 11 September 2022 Video Auditions received by: Thursday 13 October 2022 In-person Auditions: Saturday 15 October 2022 / Sunday 16 October 2022 Further information is available on our website. |

Western Little Athletics Club are holding a FREE Come and Try Little Athletics on Friday 16th September at 6pm.
This invitation is open for all children between the ages of 3 and 16 years of age.
Children will learn the fundamental skills of Run, Jump and Throw. With this year being the Commonwealth Games year off the back of last years Tokyo Olympics, we hope there are many inspired potential little athletes who would like to give Athletics a go!
We would appreciate if you could circulate our flyer (attached) with your school community and add to your newsletter.
For further information please call Jenni Cotter (President) on 0418 890 054.

Royal Life Saving SA's Holiday Swim Program is running again in the December 2022/ January 2023 Summer Holidays! Enrolments are opening on the 22nd of August 2022.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us by phoning 08 8210 4500
or email holidayswim@royallifesavingsa.com.au
More information can be found on our website: www.holidayswim.com.au

Early enrolments for VACSWIM 2022/23 are now OPEN!
VACSWIM is running programs throughout South Australia - join us for the fun this summer!
This season we're offering a variety of classes for children aged 3-15 years. Make sure you read the below to ensure you enrol in the correct level.
These classes are designed to familiarise your little ones with the water in a supportive and controlled environment.
Levels 1 - 7 (recommended* 5-12 years)
These levels are the traditional VACSWIM levels, to familiarise yourself with these please view THE PAGE.
To find the best level for your child/ren please take our quick and easy quiz:
Intro to VACSWIM (9-12 years)
For those who are new to VACSWIM and have little to no swimming and water safety experience, VACSWIM are offering an Intro to VACSWIM program.
Children will undertake the learnings of level 1 and 2 with others their own age to help build confidence in and around the water.
Basic Water Rescue (12-13 years)
Community Surf Rescue Certificate / Pool Rescue Certificate (13 years+)
The purpose of these courses are to give you the basic water safety and awareness skills and knowledge required for involvement in lifesaving operations.
All courses are unaccredited, however, those undertaking the CSRC & PRC have the option to attend a training hub to undertake an assessment to become qualified. Once qualified you are on your pathway to becoming a VACSWIM Assistant Instructor.
*Please keep in mind ages for levels 1-7 are RECOMMENDED. You know your child/ren better than us, please take the level quiz to help to decide which level your child/ren are best suited to.
DCP - Lodge a form via THIS link to proceed with the enrolment process.
Please ensure you have thoroughly read the terms and conditions prior to enrolling your child/ren.

The links and information that are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by St John the Baptist Catholic School of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organisation or individual. St John the Baptist Catholic School bears no responsibility for the accuracy legality or contact of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Important Dates
Year 2 Open Morning
Year 1 Bowling Night
New Parent Dinner
Year 3 Book Tasting
Book Week Parade 9am
Year 2 Liturgy
CSMF Combined Rehearsal 9am - 1pm
Confirmation & First Holy Communion 10am Mass
Learning Conversations
Learning Conversations
Year 3 Mass
Father's Day Stall
Year 6 Parent Open Morning
Meet the School Board & P&F BBQ
Father's Day
School Photo Day
Year 4 Mass
R U OK? Day
Year 4 Parent Open Morning
Instrumental Recital Night 6.30-8pm
Year 4 Camp
Year 5 Mass
Year 4 Camp
Year 4 Camp
Year 3 Parent Open Morning

Congratulations to those who celebrate their birthday in the next two weeks.
August Birthdays
18th August - Ivy G (3WD)
22nd August - Belles S (5C)
26th August - Logan T (5F), Vian P (REC CK) & Viraz P (REC CK)
29th August - Riaan S (3WD) & Aanya D (2T)
30th August - Angelina B (4A)
School Uniform

Our uniform is available for purchase from Brandmode, 83 Glen Osmond Road, Eastwood. Ph - (08) 8357 0022
To purchase uniform online please click here.
To book an appointment please click here.
For further information on our Uniform Guidelines, please click here.
Southern Cross Newsletter

Click here to read the latest news from the Southern Cross News.

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, learn and work.
We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual connection and relationship of Aboriginal peoples to this country and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Artwork - Unknown artist
Camp Australia

To make a Your OSHC booking, you need to register with Camp Australia first.
Registration is free and can be done online, or with our smartphone app.