Term 4, Week 2 2024
- From the Leadership Team
- Catholic Identity
- From the Sport Coordinator
- Hats
- Thrive with 5
- Finance News
- Parents & Friends
- Do you have any photos of St Joseph's Kurralta Park
- New Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect Training for Volunteers
- Library News
- Canteen News
- Camp Australia OSHC
- Volunteering at St Johns
- Volunteer Clearance Renewals
- Bright Ideas
- Community News
- Plympton Parish & School Community Dinner
- Plympton Parish
- Tram Separation Project
- SA Power Networks Notification of Works
- Anxious Generation Event
- Navigating Inescapable Moments
- Fulham Community Centre Events
- What's on at the Hamra Library
- Vacswim SA
- Australian Girls Choir
- Disclaimer
Dear Families
Welcome back to school for Term 4! We hope you had a restful break and are ready to dive into the final term of the year. This term promises to be filled with exciting learning opportunities, engaging activities, and memorable experiences. Let's make the most of these last few months, work hard, and finish the year strong.
School Fees
We are pleased to inform you that school tuition fees will remain the same for the 2025 school year. There will be no fee increase, ensuring that our commitment to providing quality education remains accessible to all families.
The Term 3 2025 mid year Reception intake shall again be offered to families free of charge - no tuition fees for the first six months.
At any time, if any family has a change of circumstance regarding finances, we ask that you contact our Finance Officer, Jodie Veldhoen to confidentially discuss additional support.
Sports Day
Thank you to everyone in the community for making the annual Sports Day held last Friday a resounding success, despite the less than ideal weather. Your unwavering support and enthusiasm truly made a difference. Such a day is certainly not possible without the team effort of all! We would particularly like to thank the parents who volunteered their time to assist on the day. We also wish to acknowledge the efforts of Sam Putland for his work in ensuring the program ran smoothly.
We congratulate Tenison (Blue Team) on their victory and Mackillop (Red Team) for winning the Spirit Award. All teams were ably led by their House leaders.
Finally, a big thank you to all staff and students for their participation, which contributed to a successful day and a great sense of community.
Arch D Podcasting Awards
As you may be aware our Year 6 students have once again been involved in the Arch D Podcasting initiative. Each student was placed in a team and the children developed a podcast which is now uploaded to the ‘School Life’ podcast channel on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and iHeart Radio.
Every year, Arch D Radio and Podcasting celebrates outstanding achievement by Catholic school students at the Arch D Awards in November. With so many schools and students involved, we are pleased to announce that students from St John the Baptist Catholic School have again been nominated in award categories for Primary schools. Congratulations and good luck to the following:
Podcaster of the Year (Primary) - Koah
This is an award for a student that demonstrated leadership within their podcasting community, elevating the quality of both their own and other’s podcast work to the highest standard.
Most Creative Podcast (Primary) - Maddy, Allyn and Elliott
This award recognises the most entertaining episode that went ‘outside the box’ in terms of ideas, script, structure, interviewing or storytelling.
Student Voice (Primary) - Eddie
This award recognises students who have stepped out of their comfort zone and made a big positive impact on their group’s podcast.
Podcast Artwork of the Year (Primary) - Koah, Japreet, Sasha and Rayna
This award recognises creativity, attention to detail and an understanding of the way podcast artwork attracts listeners.
Class Placements 2025
We are currently planning for the 2025 school year, which includes class placements. Should you have any academic or social considerations (not teacher preference, as often there will be changes to teaching structures and personnel) which you think we need to take into consideration before placing your child into a class, please send an email to Kylie on kmcbride@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au prior to Monday 28th October at 9am.
When an email is received, you will get a confirmation of receipt of email from Kylie. If you do not receive an email within 48 hours, please make contact again.
Over the coming weeks, the students will be given an opportunity to provide some names of students who they learn well with in the classroom. Students will be guaranteed one peer from their nomination list. This, along with the needs of all students will be considered when staff work together to form classes for the new year.
It is beneficial to provide information to the school at this planning stage prior to Monday 28th October and far easier to accommodate considerations than once the classes have been formed. The class placement process is new each year. Please do not assume the school is aware of previous or past considerations. If you would like the school to consider information this year, please send it through.
Volunteer RRHAN-EC Requirements
Please be reminded to complete the updated RRHAN-EC course in order to keep volunteering. The completion of the online update will need to be before the 31st December 2024. Please refer to details later in the newsletter.
We thank you for your continued support.
Best Wishes
The Leadership Team
Buddy Mass
This term the Buddy classes will join the parish for 9.30 Mass on Wednesday morning until Week 5, as per Term 4 calendar. Parents and family are more than welcome to join for your child/ren’s Mass.
All Saints Day & All Souls Day
In the Catholic calendar, November is the month for remembering. On the first and second day of November, the Catholic Church observes two feast days. November 1st is All Saints Day; this is when we remember the holy men and women that the Church recognises as living extraordinary lives. The following day is All Souls when we remember all our deceased relatives and friends. As a school, students will have the opportunity to partake in a class liturgy to remember these special occasions.
Amanda Razon

Dear St John’s Community,
I would like to officially start this weeks newsletter piece by congratulating all of the students on their outstanding efforts during our recent Sports Day which was held at the SA Athletics Stadium. Although the weather wasn’t 100% on our side, our students didn’t let this dampen their spirits by playing out the day to the best of their abilities. It was so very pleasing to see the smiles on the faces of all students as they competed throughout the day and enjoyed the different aspects of the day. Thanks must go to all of the teachers for their amazing support, all of the parents/guardians for assisting, all of the wonderful individuals who offered to volunteer and of course our well behaved, passionate and motivated students. Congratulations to Tenison for winning the Sports Trophy on the day and congratulations also to MacKillop who worked so very hard and won the House Spirit Trophy.

This week we have had 3 enthusiastic footballers represent our school at the 2024 SAPSASA Division 1 Girls Football Carnival. Congratulations to Eloise Sadler, Mikayla Croxton and Danica Croxton who have played tirelessly. I am pleased to announce that this team actually went through the competition undefeated. Well done to the girls who played so well together to achieve this feat.

I am very pleased to report that our ‘After School Sports’ are underway for this term. Well done to all of our R-2 Tee-Ball Players who commenced their program on Saturday 19th October. On top of this we have been able to enter 4 teams for Basketball at Wayville Stadium. These opportunities just don’t exist without the full support of our amazing parents who have volunteered their time to either Mentor or Manage teams. If you see a Mentor or a Manager at a game, please find the time to thank them and let them know that they are doing a great job.
Physical Education Week will be occurring from 11th November – 15th November. As a school in celebration of this week the students will all be asked to wear their PE uniform on Tuesday 12th November. Throughout the day, classes will be able to come out onto the oval and together be involved in some additional Physical Activity tasks. Once back in the classroom there will be a Q and A regarding a number of sports. We look forward to celebrating this exciting week together on Tuesday 12th November.
Now that our own Sports Day has concluded, our attention in the PE department is now focussed on the upcoming SACPSSA Athletics Carnival. On Friday 1st November we will be taking 48 students back to SA Athletics Stadium to compete in this carnival against 7 other schools. Information has been sent home to the families that have students involved in this. Well done to everyone who has made the team and I look forward to another great day together representing St John the Baptist School.
Yours in sport
Sam Putland

Please be reminded that hats are required in Term 4 for outside play and sport!

Good sleep has great benefits!
Sleep is like magic for babies and children! It:
- Restores Energy: Sleep helps kids feel strong and ready for the day ahead. It's like recharging their batteries!
- Boosts Learning: When babies and children sleep, their brains get supercharged, helping them remember things better and learn new stuff faster.
- Keeps Them Healthy: Sleep makes their bodies strong and helps fight off germs and illness. It's like putting on a superhero suit for their immune system!
- Helps Them Grow: Did you know that children grow when they sleep? It's true! Their bodies make a special growth hormone while they snooze.
Children Need Different Sleep at Different Ages:
- Babies need lots of sleep because they're growing super-fast.
- As children get older, they need a bit less sleep, but it's still super important.
- Sleep changes as kids grow too! Babies sleep a lot during the day, but as they get bigger, they snooze more at night like grown-ups.
How much sleep? At Raisingchildren.net.au we learn that:
- Newborns sleep on and off during the day and night. They sleep for 14-17 hours in every 24 hours.
- Babies 3-6 months usually sleep for 12-15 hours in every 24 hours.
- Toddlers need 11-14 hours of sleep every 24 hours. Usually this is a sleep of 10-12 hours a night, and a nap of 1-2 hours during the day.
- Children aged 3-5 years need 10-13 hours of sleep a night.
- Children aged 5-11 years need 9-11 hours of sleep a night.
- Teenagers generally need about 8-10 hours of sleep a night.
Adults? We need good sleep too and 8 hours a night is a good amount. Sleeping well helps us concentrate, cope with life’s stressors, and more easily make plans and decisions.
School fee statements were posted out late this week to those who have a balance. If you do not receive it by mid Week 3 please let me know. This is the final statement for the year so please pay the balance showing by Week 6 Friday 22nd November. If you have a payment plan set up, please check that your payments will cover the balance by the end of November. If you are unable to complete your payments by the end of the year, please email me so we can discuss options and make a plan.
As previously communicated via SEQTA our bank account details have changed from NAB to CBA. Please remember to update any direct to bank details you have saved in your internet banking if you pay your fees this way. Other payment methods such as Bpay, Qkr! or school direct debit authorities are not affected. The new bank account details are on the current statements for you to see if needed.
Our new bank details are:
St John the Baptist Catholic School
BSB: 066-782
Account Number: 100000331
Online School Card applications for low income families have been processed throughout the year and are still open for a few more weeks. If you have not yet applied, you must do so now for it to be approved for the 2024 school fees. School card needs to be applied for each calendar year. Please us the link below or come in and see me as it only takes a few minutes:
Form A (Income Assessment)
Form B (hardship, change of circumstances or self-employed)
If accepted, this will allow us to reduce your tuition fees, so please apply and let me know you have done so ASAP.
As always if you have any queries or if you are having trouble making payments please email me on accounts@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au, phone me on 8218 3304 or come in and see me Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.00pm.
Jodie Veldhoen
Finance Officer
Entertainment Book
The Parents & Friends are offering the Entertainment Book again this year. A percentage of each book sold goes to our fundraising efforts.
The link to purchase is St John the Baptist Catholic School (entertainment.com.au)

Do you have any photos of St Joseph's at Kurralta Park?
We are looking for photos of buildings at St Joseph's at Kurralta Park. If you have any photos we can scan them for you or send a copy to Kylie on kmcbride@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au

Please be reminded to complete the updated RRHAN-EC course in order to keep volunteering. The completion of the online update will need to be completed before 31 December 2024 when our current certificate expires. You need to complete the new RRHAN-EC online update unless you already have a current certificate with an expiry date of 31 December 2027.
To access the online update please use this link to login as ‘Non Department for Education staff login’ OR if you don’t already have a plink login, register here.
If your RRHAN-EC has already expired or you are new to education, please refer to the following guide which will help you to determine which course you need to do.
Which course is right for you?
My certificate expires on 31 December 2024 – do the online update only (takes about 2 hours).
My certificate is expired – start with the fundamentals. If you also work directly with children and young people, do the masterclass after you’ve finished the fundamentals course.

Scholastic Book Club
This week Issue 7 will be sent home with students. It will be our last issue for 2024.
It is a great opportunity to start some Christmas shopping early.
Thank you for your support.
Maria French

All orders for both recess and lunch are to be ordered via our Qkr! app.
Canteen orders close each canteen day (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) at 9.00am.
Healthy Canteen (Tuesday & Thursday) orders close on Mondays at 12pm.
Canteen Roster
Term 4
Friday 25th October - Jo & Katrina Nagle
Monday 28th October - Julie
Tuesday 29th October - Jo
Wednesday 30th October - Julie
Thursday 31st October - Jo
Friday 1st November - Jo & Nicole Watson
Monday 4th November - Julie
Tuesday 5th November - Jo
Wednesday 6th November - Julie
Thursday 7th November - Jo
Friday 8th November - TBA
Monday 11th November - Julie
Tuesday 12th November - Jo
Wednesday 13th November - Julie
Thursday 14th November - Jo
Friday 15th November - Jo & Victoria Thurston
Canteen Feedback
We would love your feedback regarding the canteen.
Is there anything that you would like to see on the menu that we may be able to consider adding on?
Please send you feedback to jfitzgerald@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au
Moosies & Juicies Iceblocks
Moosies & Juicies are not currently available from our supplier. We have substituted Quelch Iceblocks for the interim.
Julie Henschke & Jo Fitzgerald

St John the Baptist School provides a safe environment for all while valuing the partnership between school and home.
As a Catholic community, we welcome and value volunteers. To be able to volunteer, and/or attend at other times throughout the school year, we ask that you hold a current Catholic Police Check (parents/caregivers attending excursions, reading in class, helping in class, attending community events), a current Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect in Education and Care for Volunteers certificate and have completed the volunteers application package.
A Catholic Police Check for volunteers is free for our current parents and caregivers. Application Forms are available in our school office.
This process ensures we maintain a child safe environment. To avoid disappointment, we encourage you to apply for a Catholic Police Check through the school office as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school office on 8218 3300 or email Julia Roy on jroy@stjohnpl.catholic.edu.au .

If you are due to renew your Working With Children Check and your Catholic Police Clearance this year, please note that there is a high volume of renewals due. To avoid disappointment it is advisable to do your renewal earlier as there is currently a delay in processing them.
Thank you for your anticipated support.

Insights may be discussed at future School Advisory Board meetings or you may be contacted personally for further follow up!
Please find link here for your suggestions.

Navigating Inescapable Moments
Venue: Online Event, South Australia
Nathan "Dubsy" Want will speak about key moments facing teens, providing parents with tools and strategies to support and lead their teen through current and future moments by fostering growth and resilience.
Nathan is a speaker and author who helps teens and parents through life's inescapable moments. For the poast 18 years, "Dubsy" has worked with teens and parents in various environments in the area of wellbeing and leadership to give them skills to deal with what's in front of them now and what's coming later in life.
Register via the CESA Registration Centre

The countdown is on!
Only 60 days until Block 1 of VACSWIM starts
Now that the October school holidays have finished it’s time to start making plans for the summer holidays! It seems far away but the VACSWIM season will be here before we know it (we can’t wait!).
Don't miss out on the opportunity to give your child the gift of water safety.
Enrol today before your preferred time and level fills up!

Australian Girls Choir Open Day
Look no further than the Australian Girls Choir (AGC) because we encourage, challenge and inspire girls as they learn to sing, dance and perform. School aged girls are invited to come along to our November Open Day to try our fun and inclusive classes and learn more about being part of the AGC! Please visit our website to register to attend our free Open Day: ausgirlschoir.com.au/joinagc
The links and information that are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by St John the Baptist Catholic School of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organisation or individual. St John the Baptist Catholic School bears no responsibility for the accuracy legality or contact of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Important Dates
Year 3 Camp
Little JBs starts - Friday Cohort
Principal's Tour 9.30am
All Saints Day
All Souls Day
SACPSSA Athletics Carnival Yrs 3-6
School Advisory Board Meeting 6.30pm
Yr 1 Belair Excursion
Remembrance Day
Year 5 Camp
Year 5 Camp
Year 5 Camp
Cabra & Sacred Heart Yr 7 Orientation Day
2025 Sports Info Evening
Yr 5/6 Surf Safety Excursion

If a student is absent from school due to illness, parents / caregivers are asked to contact the school office by 9.00am via:
- Absentee Line 8218 3300 – available 24 hours a day to leave a message
- SMS Messaging 0484 260 996

Congratulations to those who celebrate their birthday in the coming weeks!
October Birthdays
24th Oct - Gideon C (4A) & Jaya S-T (5F)
25th Oct - Frederick K (REC K), Calista L (2T), Ari L (4A) & Ava-Louise N (3BM)
26th Oct - Flynn B (4W), Koah M (6RC) & Katelyn N (6RC)
27th Oct - Hugo H (REC D)
28th Oct - Jackson H (1SM) & Jacob W (1M)
29th Oct - Marley S (REC BR)
30th Oct - Blair W (5F)
November Birthdays
2nd Nov - Jase H (2T), Eddie M (6P) & Harvey R (2T)
3rd Nov - Daniela Y (4W)
4th Nov - Harry B (5F)
6th Nov - Salome CA (REC B), Dehara F (REC K) & Will K (6P)
School Uniform

Our uniform is available for purchase from Brandmode, 83 Glen Osmond Road, Eastwood. Ph - (08) 8357 0022
To purchase uniform online please click here.
To book an appointment please click here.
For further information on our Uniform Guidelines, please click here and for uniform booklet, please click here.
Instrumental Tutors
We currently offer the following instrumental tutoring:
(currently a waitlist)
Tutor - Christine Davies
Ph: 0403 546 091
Email - christineonpiano@gmail.com
Guitar & Ukelele
Tutor - Dido Durmanovic
Ph: 0407 719 836
Email: didodurmanovic@hotmail.com
Tutor - Lindi Jane
Ph: 0413 536 327
Email - snapskakaduclub@optusnet.com.au

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, learn and work.
We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual connection and relationship of Aboriginal peoples to this country and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Artwork - Unknown artist
Camp Australia

To make a Your OSHC booking, you need to register with Camp Australia first.
Registration is free and can be done online, or with our smartphone app.
Southern Cross Newsletter

Click here to read the latest news from the Southern Cross News.